Dharmashastra glossary, starting with ‘n’

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The Dharmashastra glossary, starting with the letter “n”, contains 51 definitions, select a phrase below for the definitions and references.

  1. Nagari
  2. Nagaryanna
  3. Naimittika
  4. Naimittikadana
  5. Nakhavishkira
  6. Nakula
  7. Nalanda
  8. Namadheya
  9. Namakarana
  10. Nandapandita
  11. Nandishraddha
  12. Naradiyapurana
  13. Naradurga
  14. Naravela
  15. Narikela
  16. Navayajna
  17. Nidhidhyasana
  18. Nigada
  19. Nigadasya
  20. Nigama
  21. Nihshalaka
  22. Nihshreni
  23. Nihshreyasa
  24. Nihshreyasaprakarana
  25. Nikayi
  26. Nikshepa
  27. Nimba
  28. Nimesha
  29. Ninda
  30. Nipa
  31. Nirdesha
  32. Nirudhapashubandha
  33. Nirukta
  34. Nishada
  35. Nishadasthapati
  36. Nishcaya
  37. Nishedha
  38. Nisheka
  39. Nishkramana
  40. Nishpakva
  41. Niti
  42. Nitya
  43. Nityadana
  44. Niyama
  45. Nridurga
  46. Nrishamsa
  47. Nrisimhaprasada
  48. Nriyajna
  49. Nyanku
  50. Nyasa
  51. Nyaya
Glossary:  |  A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
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