Vyadh: 10 definitions


Vyadh means something in Hinduism, Sanskrit, Hindi. If you want to know the exact meaning, history, etymology or English translation of this term then check out the descriptions on this page. Add your comment or reference to a book if you want to contribute to this summary article.

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Sanskrit dictionary

Source: DDSA: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary

Vyadh (व्यध्).—4 P. (vidhyati, viddha)

1) To pierce, hurt, strike, stab, kill; तमभिद्रुत्य पाप्मनाविध्यन् स यः स पाप्मा (tamabhidrutya pāpmanāvidhyan sa yaḥ sa pāpmā) Bṛ. Up.1.3.2; यूनां मनांसि विव्याध दृष्ट्वा दृष्ट्वा मनोभवः (yūnāṃ manāṃsi vivyādha dṛṣṭvā dṛṣṭvā manobhavaḥ) H.2.111; अक्षितारासु विव्याध द्विषतः स तनुत्रिणः (akṣitārāsu vivyādha dviṣataḥ sa tanutriṇaḥ) Śiśupālavadha 19.99; विद्धमात्रः (viddhamātraḥ) R.5.51;9. 6;14.7; Bhaṭṭikāvya 5.52;9.66;15.69.

2) To bore, perforate, pierce through.

3) To pick.

4) To wave or brandish in triumph (as the tail &c.); चैलानि विव्यधुस्तत्र ब्राह्मणाश्च सहस्रशः (cailāni vivyadhustatra brāhmaṇāśca sahasraśaḥ) Mahābhārata (Bombay) 1.188.23.

5) (In astr.) To fix the position of a heavenly body.

Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Shabda-Sagara Sanskrit-English Dictionary

Vyadh (व्यध्).—[(au)auvyadha] r. 4th cl. (vidhyati) To beat, to strike, to pierce, to tear, to hurt or wound. With anu, 1. To wound. 2. To intertwine. With apa, 1. To cast away. 2. To pierce. With ā, To throw, to pierce. With pari, To wound, to pierce.

Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Benfey Sanskrit-English Dictionary

Vyadh (व्यध्).—i. 4, vidhya, [Parasmaipada.] 1. To pierce, Chr. 292, 9 = [Rigveda.] i. 86, 9 (ved. vidhyatā, with lengthened final). 2. To hit, [Johnson's Selections from the Mahābhārata.] 39, 31 (veddhā, anomal. first fut.). 3. To wave in triumph, [Johnson's Selections from the Mahābhārata.] 52, 115 (anomal. red. pf. vivyadhus). 4. To pick, [Pañcatantra] 62, 9; to wound, [Mānavadharmaśāstra] 8, 12. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. viddha. 1. Wounded, Chr. 31, 16. 2. Thrown, [Mānavadharmaśāstra] 9, 43. 3. Beaten, whipped. 4. Opposed, impeded. 5. Resembling, like. n. A wound, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 2647. Comp. Su-, adj. deeply wounded, [Ṛtusaṃhāra] 6, 28. Anomal. infin. veddhum (from vidh, for vyadh, based on vidhya), Mahābhārata 1, 5286.

— With the prep. ati ati, atividdha, Pierced, transfixed, [Rāmāyaṇa] 2, 9, 51.

— With anu anu, To throw after (another), [Mānavadharmaśāstra] 9, 43. anuviddha, 1. Wounded, [Ṛtusaṃhāra] 1, 13. 2. Obstructed, [Śākuntala, (ed. Böhtlingk.)] [distich] 19; checked. 3. Mixed, [Mālatīmādhava, (ed. Calc.)] 15, 13. 4. Ornamented, [Meghadūta, (ed. Gildemeister.)] 66; variegated. 5. Set (as a jewel). 6. Full of, abounding.

— With apa apa, 1. To throw away, Mahābhārata 3, 15686. 2. To omit, to neglect, [Mānavadharmaśāstra] 11, 4. apaviddha, 1. Thrown away, [Daśakumāracarita] in Chr. 193, 21. 2. Discarded, [Kirātārjunīya] 5, 30 (by churning). 3. (viz. putra, A son), who having been disowned by his parents, is adopted by another, [Mānavadharmaśāstra] 9, 159. 4. Contemptible. 5. Disabled, broken, literally and figuratively.

— With vyapa vi-apa, vyapaviddha, Rejected, Mahābhārata 3, 15763.

— With ā ā, To throw, Mahābhārata 3, 11511. āviddha, 1. Thrown, [Mānavadharmaśāstra] 9, 43. 2. Pierced, wounded. 3. Crooked, [Vikramorvaśī, (ed. Bollensen.)] [distich] 115. 4. Disappointed. 5. Stupid. Comp. An-, adj. 1. not bored, [Śākuntala, (ed. Böhtlingk.)] [distich] 45. 2. unhurt, [Suśruta] 2, 32, 20.

— With vyā vi-ā, To vibrate, Mahābhārata 3, 677. vyāviddha, Dishevelled, [Daśakumāracarita] in Chr. 199, 1.

— With samā sam-ā, To vibrate, [Raghuvaṃśa, (ed. Stenzler.)] 26, 78 (Calc.).

— With ud ud, udviddha, Lofty, [Lassen, Anthologia Sanskritica.] 2. ed. 72, 5.

— With nis nis, nirviddha, Wounded, [Rāmāyaṇa] 3, 50, 19.

— With pari pari, To wound, Mahābhārata 1, 4102.

— With pra pra, To throw away, [Rāmāyaṇa] 2, 63, 34.

— With vipra vi-pra, To strike, [Raghuvaṃśa, (ed. Stenzler.)] 14, 54.

— With prati prati, To wound, Mahābhārata 3, 11960.

— Cf. perhaps in

Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Cappeller Sanskrit-English Dictionary

Vyadh (व्यध्).—vidhyati (vidhyate), [participle] viddha (q.v.) pierce, hit, wound, hurt, harm, injure, affect or afflict with ([instrumental]). [Causative] vedhayati pierce, hit, vyādhayati cause to pierce etc.

Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary

Vyadh (व्यध्):—[class] 4. [Parasmaipada] ([Dhātupāṭha xxvi, 72]) vidhyati ([Epic] also te; [perfect tense] p. vivyādha, [Brāhmaṇa] etc.; 3. [plural] vivyadhuḥ, [Mahābhārata], vividhuḥ, [Upaniṣad]; [Ātmanepada] vivyadhe, [Mahābhārata]; p. vividhvas, [Ṛg-veda]; [Aorist] vyātsīḥ, [Brāhmaṇa]; Prec. vidhyāt [grammar]; [future] veddhā, vetsyati, te, [Mahābhārata]; vyaddhā, vyatsyati [grammar]; [infinitive mood] veddhum, [Mahābhārata]; -vidhe, [Ṛg-veda]; [indeclinable participle] viḍḍhvā, -vidhya, [Mahābhārata]),

—to pierce, transfix, hit, strike, wound, [Ṛg-veda] etc. etc. ;

— (with sirām) to open a vein, bleed, [Suśruta];

—to pelt with ([instrumental case]), [Ṛg-veda; Atharva-veda; Mahābhārata];

—to inflict, attach to, affect with ([accusative] of [person] and [instrumental case] of thing), [Ṛg-veda; Atharva-veda; Brāhmaṇa; Upaniṣad];

—to shake, wave, [Mahābhārata];

— (in [astronomy]) to fix the position of a heavenly body, [Golādhyāya];

—to cling to ([accusative]), [Śatapatha-brāhmaṇa] :—[Causal] vyADayati, ([Epic] also vedhayati; [Aorist] avīvidhat or avivyadhat),

—to pierce, open (a vein), [Mahābhārata; Suśruta];

—to cause to pierce or perforate, [Aitareya-āraṇyaka] :—[Desiderative] vivyatsati, to wish to affect or taint with ([instrumental case]), [Śatapatha-brāhmaṇa] :—[Intensive] vevidhyate or vāvyaddhi (?) [grammar]

Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Yates Sanskrit-English Dictionary

Vyadh (व्यध्):—(ya, au) vidhyati 4. a. To hit; beat; pierce; hurt.

Source: DDSA: Paia-sadda-mahannavo; a comprehensive Prakrit Hindi dictionary (S)

Vyadh (व्यध्) in the Sanskrit language is related to the Prakrit words: Viṃdha, Vijjha, Viddha, Viha, Veha.

[Sanskrit to German]

Vyadh in German

context information

Sanskrit, also spelled संस्कृतम् (saṃskṛtam), is an ancient language of India commonly seen as the grandmother of the Indo-European language family (even English!). Closely allied with Prakrit and Pali, Sanskrit is more exhaustive in both grammar and terms and has the most extensive collection of literature in the world, greatly surpassing its sister-languages Greek and Latin.

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Hindi dictionary

Source: DDSA: A practical Hindi-English dictionary

Vyadh in Hindi refers in English to:—(nm) a hunter, fowler; also ~[dha]..—vyadh (व्याध) is alternatively transliterated as Vyādha.

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Nepali dictionary

Source: unoes: Nepali-English Dictionary

Vyaadh is another spelling for व्याध [vyādha].—n. a hunter; a fowler;

context information

Nepali is the primary language of the Nepalese people counting almost 20 million native speakers. The country of Nepal is situated in the Himalaya mountain range to the north of India.

Discover the meaning of vyadh in the context of Nepali from relevant books on Exotic India

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