Tissa, Ti-ssa, Tissā: 1 definition


Tissa means something in Buddhism, Pali. If you want to know the exact meaning, history, etymology or English translation of this term then check out the descriptions on this page. Add your comment or reference to a book if you want to contribute to this summary article.

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In Buddhism

Theravada (major branch of Buddhism)

Source: Pali Kanon: Pali Proper Names

1. Tissa - The seventeenth of the twenty four Buddhas.

He was born in the Anoma pleasaunce in Khemaka.

His father was Janasandha (v.l. Saccasandha) and his mother Paduma.

He lived the household life for seven thousand years, in three palaces - Guhasala, Nari (Narisa) and Nisabha

He left the world on a horse named Sonuttara.

For eight months he practised austerities.

After a meal of milk rice given by the daughter of Virasetthi of Viragama,

he sat on grass given by a yavapalaka named Vijitasangama

He attained Buddhahood under an asana tree.

He preached his first sermon at Yasavati to Brahmadeva and Udaya (Udayana) of Hamsavati, who later became his chief disciples.

His attendant was Samanga (Sambhava)

His chief patrons being Sambala and Siri among men and Kisagotami and Upasena among women.

His chief women disciples were Phussa and Sudatta.

His body was sixty cubits high

After a life of one hundred thousand years he died at Nandarama (Sunandarama) in Sunandavati.

His body was cremated and a thupa was erected three leagues in height. Bu.xviii.1ff; BuA.188ff; J.i.40.

2. Tissa - The ninth future Buddha. See Anagasavamsa, p.40.

3. Tissa - One of the two chief disciples of Vipassi Buddha (Bu.xx.28; J.i.41; D.ii.4). He was the son of the purohita Bandhumati, and the Buddhas first sermon was preached to him and Khanda. BuA.196.

4. Tissa - One of the two chief disciples of Dipankara Buddha. Bu.ii.213; J.i.29; Mbv.5.

5. Tissa - An aggasavaka of Kassapa Buddha. He was the Buddhas brother and, having renounced the household, became an ascetic. On hearing that Kassapa had become Buddha, he visited him but expressed great disappointment on discovering that he ate flesh food (amagandha). The Buddha taught him that amagandha was not really flesh but the kilesas which corrupt the heart, and he preached to him the Amagandha Sutta. Tissa immediately entered the Order and became an aggasavaka (Bu.xxv.39; SNA.i.280-2, 293; D.ii.4). Tissas father was born as Subhadda in this age. Ap.i.101.

6. Tissa - A monk who was reborn as a Brahma with great iddhi powers. Moggallana visited him soon after his birth in the Brahma world and asked him questions about devas and Brahmas who were assured of salvation (A.iii.331; iv.75ff). He was evidently the Tissa mentioned as being present at the Mahasamaya. D.ii.261; DA.ii.692.

7. Tissa - A friend of Metteyya. They together visited the Buddha at Jetavana and, having listened to his teaching, entered the Order. Metteyya retired with his teacher into the forest and not long after became an arahant. Tissa lived in Savatthi and when his elder brother died,

8. Tissa - One of the chief women disciples of Kondanna Buddha (J.i.30;

context information

Theravāda is a major branch of Buddhism having the the Pali canon (tipitaka) as their canonical literature, which includes the vinaya-pitaka (monastic rules), the sutta-pitaka (Buddhist sermons) and the abhidhamma-pitaka (philosophy and psychology).

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