Shoshanem, Śōṣaṇēṃ, Śoṣaṇeṃ: 2 definitions


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Marathi-English dictionary

[«previous next»] — Shoshanem in Marathi glossary
Source: DDSA: The Molesworth Marathi and English Dictionary

śōṣaṇēṃ (शोषणें).—v c (śōṣaṇa) To dry up; to desiccate or arefy by drawing forth the moisture of: also to draw in or suck up, to absorb. 2 To gulp or drink up eagerly. 3 fig. To drain, exhaust, empty.

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śōṣaṇēṃ (शोषणें).—v i (śōṣaṇa) To dry up; to become adust, arid, parched;--as the ground, the body, fruits.

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sōsaṇēṃ (सोसणें).—v c (sahana S) To endure, suffer, sustain, bear. 2 as v i To agree with; to be light, wholesome, salutary &c. unto;--as an article of food or medicine. Used inversely. Note. The verb should still, perhaps, be viewed as transitive, and as bearing the sense first set down; for the phraseology hēṃ auṣadha tulā sōsēla; tēthalēṃ pāṇī sōsata nāhīṃ &c. may be well explicated by supposing sōsēla & sōsata to be put for sōsavēla & sōsavata; or by assuming it to be of passive construction, through the virtue of an ellipsis and a trifling variation (viz. tulā sōsēla for tujhyānēṃ sōsalēṃ jāīla &c.); or by adverting to the constant occurrence, in this language, of this very use of verbs whether active or neuter; as hā ūṃsa malā cāvata nāhīṃ; itakā grantha tulā vācēla; hēṃ ōjhēṃ tulā jāīla kīṃ; tēṃ ghōḍēṃ tyālā cālēla kāya.

Source: DDSA: The Aryabhusan school dictionary, Marathi-English

śōṣaṇēṃ (शोषणें).—v t & v i Dry up. v t Absorb. Gulp. Fig. Drain.

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sōsaṇēṃ (सोसणें).—v t Endure, sustain. v i Agree with.

context information

Marathi is an Indo-European language having over 70 million native speakers people in (predominantly) Maharashtra India. Marathi, like many other Indo-Aryan languages, evolved from early forms of Prakrit, which itself is a subset of Sanskrit, one of the most ancient languages of the world.

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