Punya, Puṇyā, Puṇya: 38 definitions
Punya means something in Buddhism, Pali, Hinduism, Sanskrit, Jainism, Prakrit, the history of ancient India, Marathi, Hindi, biology. If you want to know the exact meaning, history, etymology or English translation of this term then check out the descriptions on this page. Add your comment or reference to a book if you want to contribute to this summary article.
Alternative spellings of this word include Puny.
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In Hinduism
Vaishnavism (Vaishava dharma)
Source: humindian: 108 names of Lord Krishna(Punyah).—One of the 108 names of Krishna; Meaning: "Supremely Pure"
Source: ISKCON Press: GlossaryPuṇya (पुण्य).—Karma-pious activities, which help to liberate one from the cycle of birth and death in the material world.
Source: Pure Bhakti: Brhad BhagavatamrtamPuṇya (पुण्य) refers to:—Pious results of studying the Vedas and of performing yajña, tapasya, dāna, karma and so on. (cf. Glossary page from Śrī Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta).
Vaishnava (वैष्णव, vaiṣṇava) or vaishnavism (vaiṣṇavism) represents a tradition of Hinduism worshipping Vishnu as the supreme Lord. Similar to the Shaktism and Shaivism traditions, Vaishnavism also developed as an individual movement, famous for its exposition of the dashavatara (‘ten avatars of Vishnu’).
Dharmashastra (religious law)
Source: Google Books: Manusmṛti with the Manubhāṣya‘Puṇya,’ ‘merit,’ is excellence. Since Smṛtis are based upon the Veda, what is mentioned in the Smṛtis is also called ‘Veda-merit,’ which last expression stands for the ‘merit of the Veda.’ What is the merit of the Veda? That (merit) which is expounded by the Veda. The merit that results from the Veda being recited may also be called ‘the merit of the Veda’; but by virtue of the specific relationship, it is what is expounded by the Veda,—and what is produced by it—that should be spoken of as ‘merit of the Veda.’ As for the producing of merit, this is done by other things also, such as sacrificial performances and the like; while the expounding of it is done by the Veda only. (Manubhāṣya, II.78)
Dharmashastra (धर्मशास्त्र, dharmaśāstra) contains the instructions (shastra) regarding religious conduct of livelihood (dharma), ceremonies, jurisprudence (study of law) and more. It is categorized as smriti, an important and authoritative selection of books dealing with the Hindu lifestyle.
Ayurveda (science of life)
Nighantu (Synonyms and Characteristics of Drugs and technical terms)
Source: WorldCat: Rāj nighaṇṭuPuṇyā (पुण्या) is another name for Aśvagandhā, a medicinal plant identified with Withania somnifera Dunal. (“Indian ginseng” or “Winter Cherry”) from the Solanaceae or Nightshade family of flowering plants, according to verse 4.109-112 of the 13th-century Raj Nighantu or Rājanighaṇṭu. The fourth chapter (śatāhvādi-varga) of this book enumerates eighty varieties of small plants (pṛthu-kṣupa). Together with the names Puṇyā and Aśvagandhā, there are a total of twenty-two Sanskrit synonyms identified for this plant.
Unclassified Ayurveda definitions
Source: Wisdom Library: Āyurveda and botanyPuṇyā (पुण्या) is another name for Tulasī, which is a Sanskrit word referring to Ocimum tenuiflorum (holy basil), from the Lamiaceae family. It is classified as a medicinal plant in the system of Āyurveda (science of Indian medicine) and is used throughout literature such as the Suśrutasaṃhita and the Carakasaṃhitā. The synonym was identified in the Rājanighaṇṭu (verses 10.148-149), which is a 13th century medicinal thesaurus.
Source: gurumukhi.ru: Ayurveda glossary of termsPuṇya (पुण्य):—[puṇyaḥ] Those who possesses the quality of purity.
Āyurveda (आयुर्वेद, ayurveda) is a branch of Indian science dealing with medicine, herbalism, taxology, anatomy, surgery, alchemy and related topics. Traditional practice of Āyurveda in ancient India dates back to at least the first millenium BC. Literature is commonly written in Sanskrit using various poetic metres.
Purana and Itihasa (epic history)
Source: archive.org: Puranic Encyclopedia1) Puṇya (पुण्य).—Son of the sage Dīrghatamas. The story of Puṇya as found in Jñānavāsiṣṭha is the following:—There is a mountain called Mahendra in Jambūdvīpa. Dīrghatamas who was doing penance there had two sons named Puṇya and Pāvana. Puṇyakumāra grew up into a boy abounding in virtues. Pāvana was not so broad-minded. When after some time Dīrghatamas, their father died, Puṇyakumāra controlling his sorrow did all the funeral rites; but Pāvana unable to control his sorrow left the place and wandered in the forests weeping bitterly. After some days Puṇyakumāra went in search of his brother and on finding him consoled him and told him that there was nothing to be worried about their father’s death. On hearing the learned and moral teachings of Puṇya, Pāvana also got enlightened and after living in that forest for a number of years both of them abandoned their lives.
2) Puṇya (पुण्य).—The name of the āśrama of the sage Vibhāṇḍaka. (Śloka 23, Chapter 110, Vana Parva).
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: The Purana Index1) Puṇya (पुण्य).—A king (see Puṇyavān).*
- * Matsya-purāṇa 50. 30.
2) Puṇyā (पुण्या).—A daughter of Kratu and Sannati and daughterin-law of Parvaśa.*
- * Brahmāṇḍa-purāṇa II. 11. 38; Vāyu-purāṇa 28. 33.
The Purana (पुराण, purāṇas) refers to Sanskrit literature preserving ancient India’s vast cultural history, including historical legends, religious ceremonies, various arts and sciences. The eighteen mahapuranas total over 400,000 shlokas (metrical couplets) and date to at least several centuries BCE.
Shilpashastra (iconography)
Source: archive.org: Illustrations of Indian Music and Dance in Western Indian StylePuṇya (पुण्य) refers to one of the forty-seven tānas (tone) used in Indian music.—The illustration of Puṇya (as a deity) according to 15th-century Indian art is as follows.—The colour of his body is yellow. His face is similar to the face of an elephant. His right hand is in Pravacana-Mudrā and a viṇā in his left hand.
The illustrations (of, for example Puṇya) are found scattered throughout ancient Jain manuscripts from Gujarat. The descriptions of these illustrations of this citrāvalī are based on the ślokas of Vācanācārya Gaṇi Sudhākalaśa’s Saṅgītopaniṣatsāroddhāra (14th century) and Śārṅgadeva’s Saṅgītaratnākara (13th century).
Shilpashastra (शिल्पशास्त्र, śilpaśāstra) represents the ancient Indian science (shastra) of creative arts (shilpa) such as sculpture, iconography and painting. Closely related to Vastushastra (architecture), they often share the same literature.
Chandas (prosody, study of Sanskrit metres)
Source: Shodhganga: a concise history of Sanskrit Chanda literaturePuṇya (पुण्य) is the name of a Sanskrit metre (chandas) defined by Bharata, to which Hemacandra (1088-1173 C.E.) assigned the alternative name of Samṛddhi in his auto-commentary on the second chapter of the Chandonuśāsana. Hemacandra gives these alternative names for the metres by other authorities (like Bharata), even though the number of gaṇas or letters do not differ.
Puṇya is also the name of a Sanskrit metre (chandas) to which Hemacandra (1088-1173 C.E.) assigned the alternative name of Mada.
Chandas (छन्दस्) refers to Sanskrit prosody and represents one of the six Vedangas (auxiliary disciplines belonging to the study of the Vedas). The science of prosody (chandas-shastra) focusses on the study of the poetic meters such as the commonly known twenty-six metres mentioned by Pingalas.
Pancaratra (worship of Nārāyaṇa)
Source: University of Vienna: Sudarśana's Worship at the Royal Court According to the AhirbudhnyasaṃhitāPuṇya (पुण्य) refers to “meritorious”, according to the Ahirbudhnyasaṃhitā, belonging to the Pāñcarātra tradition which deals with theology, rituals, iconography, narrative mythology and others.—Accordingly, “[This rite] should be employed by utterly glorious Sovereigns when they are in distress—[for this rite] removes the three kinds of sorrow which begin with the one relating to oneself; causes the destruction of all afflictions; is marked by auspiciousness; destroys all enemies; pacifies (i.e. removes unwanted consequences of ritual mistakes etc.); is the cause of triumph; kills the Demons; brings about prosperities; subdues all; bestows the longest of lives; is meritorious (puṇya); [and] was perfomed by ancient Kings”.
Pancaratra (पाञ्चरात्र, pāñcarātra) represents a tradition of Hinduism where Narayana is revered and worshipped. Closeley related to Vaishnavism, the Pancaratra literature includes various Agamas and tantras incorporating many Vaishnava philosophies.
Gitashastra (science of music)
Source: Shodhganga: Elements of Art and Architecture in the Trtiyakhanda of the Visnudharmottarapurana (gita)Puṇya (पुण्य) refers to one of the Forty-nine kinds of Tānas (in Indian music), according to the Viṣṇudharmottarapurāṇa, an ancient Sanskrit text which (being encyclopedic in nature) deals with a variety of cultural topics such as arts, architecture, music, grammar and astronomy.—Tāna refers to “that which spreads” (being dependent on mūrcchanā), according to the Nāṭyaśāstra. In the Viṣṇudharmottarapurāṇa, only forty nine kinds of tānas are accepted under three grāmas viz., madhyama, ṣaḍja and gāndhāra. The gāndhāragrāma contains twenty tānas [e.g., puṇya].
Gitashastra (गीतशास्त्र, gītaśāstra) refers to the ancient Indian science of Music (gita or samgita), which is traditionally divided in Vocal music, Instrumental music and Dance (under the jurisdiction of music). The different elements and technical terms are explained in a wide range of (often Sanskrit) literature.
Sports, Arts and Entertainment (wordly enjoyments)
Source: archive.org: Syainika Sastra of Rudradeva with English Translation (art)Puṇya (पुण्य) refers to the “merits” (accumulated in previous existences), according to the Śyainika-śāstra: a Sanskrit treatise dealing with the divisions and benefits of Hunting and Hawking, written by Rājā Rudradeva (or Candradeva) in possibly the 13th century.—Accordingly, “[...] Moreover, charming couplets are often heard chanted by the Manes for the welfare of Ruci, who was for renouncing the world:—‘O darling, man’s karma accumulated in previous existences, that is, his merits und demerits (puṇya-apuṇya-ātmaka), wears away day and night by his “enjoyments,” that is, his experiences of the joys and sorrows of life. Therefore you, who know what dharma is, will attain peace when your karma wears away’”.
This section covers the skills and profiencies of the Kalas (“performing arts”) and Shastras (“sciences”) involving ancient Indian traditions of sports, games, arts, entertainment, love-making and other means of wordly enjoyments. Traditionally these topics were dealt with in Sanskrit treatises explaing the philosophy and the justification of enjoying the pleasures of the senses.
In Buddhism
Mahayana (major branch of Buddhism)
Source: Wisdom Library: Maha Prajnaparamita SastraPuṇya (पुण्य) refers to “merit”, according to Mahāprajñāpāramitāśāstra (chapter 2).—(Cf. Śrotrendriya)—Accordingly, “[...] Some stanzas say: ‘If there is an action (karman), there are also fruits (phala). The non-existence of the agent (kāraka), of the action and of the fruit Is the absolute (parama) and profound (gambhīra) law That the Buddha was able to discover. There is emptiness (śūnya) but not annihilation (uccheda), Continuity (prabandha), but not eternity (śaśvata), Sin (āpatti) and merit (puṇya), and not destruction (vipraṇaśa): Such is the law which the Buddha preaches’.”
Source: academia.edu: A Study and Translation of the GaganagañjaparipṛcchāPuṇya (पुण्य) refers to the “merit”, according to the Gaganagañjaparipṛcchā: the eighth chapter of the Mahāsaṃnipāta (a collection of Mahāyāna Buddhist Sūtras).—Accordingly as The Lord said: “O Śāriputra, in the buddha-field of the Tathāgata Ekaratnavyūha, there is a Bodhisattva, the great being Gaganagañja who is resplendent by the splendor of merit (puṇya-tejas), is without hindered knowledge, whose body was adorned with [the thirty-two] characteristics (lakṣaṇa), whose friendliness was adorned with [the eighty] minor marks (anuvyañjana), whose voice was adorned with eloquence (pratibhāna), whose thought was adorned with memory (dhāraṇī), [...]”.
Mahayana (महायान, mahāyāna) is a major branch of Buddhism focusing on the path of a Bodhisattva (spiritual aspirants/ enlightened beings). Extant literature is vast and primarely composed in the Sanskrit language. There are many sūtras of which some of the earliest are the various Prajñāpāramitā sūtras.
General definition (in Buddhism)
Source: Wisdom Library: Dharma-samgrahaPuṇya (पुण्य, “merit”) or Puṇyabala refers to the “the strength of merit” and represents one of the “ten strengths of the Bodhisattvas” (bala) as defined in the Dharma-saṃgraha (section 75). The Dharma-samgraha (Dharmasangraha) is an extensive glossary of Buddhist technical terms in Sanskrit (e.g., puṇya). The work is attributed to Nagarjuna who lived around the 2nd century A.D. Pratisaṃkhyāna can also be spelled as Pratisaṅkhyāna.
In Jainism
General definition (in Jainism)
Source: Encyclopedia of Jainism: Tattvartha Sutra 6: Influx of karmasPuṇya (पुण्य).—What is meant by ‘merit’ (puṇya)? That which purifies the soul or by which the soul is purified is called merit. It also produces happy feelings. Virtuous activity is the cause of merit (puṇya).
Source: Encyclopedia of Jainism: Tattvartha Sutra 8: Bondage of karmasPuṇya (पुण्य, “merit”) as opposed to pāpa (demerit).—According to the 2nd-century Tattvārthasūtra chapter 8, “the good variety of feeling-producing karmas and the auspicious life, name and status-determining karmas constitute merit (puṇya).”.—Which karma species constitute merit (punya)? The good variety of feeling producing karmas and auspicious life, name and status determining karmas constitute merit.
Which sub species of karmas constitute merit (puṇya)? These are 42 namely: pleasant feeling producing, the three life karmas in heaven, human and sub human destinies and high status determining karmas along with 37 of name karma (without discriminating) or 63 with discrimination namely: human and celestial destinies, the class of beings with five senses, the five bodies, the three major and minor limbs, the symmetrical structure of the body, the utmost firmness of the joints, pleasant colour-taste-odour-touch, two ānūpūrvi which tend to move the soul towards celestial birth, neither heavy nor light, liability of getting injured by others, capacity for breathing, emitting a warm splendour, emitting a cold luster, graceful gait, moveable body, gross body, complete development of organs and the faculties of the body, possession of an individual body, firmness of the bodily frame, beauty of the body, melodious voice, lustrous body, glory and renown, the formation of the body with parts in their right place, fordmaker status, high status and pleasant feeling.
Source: Knowledge Traditions & Practices of India: Indian Ethics: Individual and Social (jainism)Puṇya (पुण्य, “merit”) refers to a moral principles governing a Jain life according Jain ethical conduct (nītiśāstra).—Puṇya (merit) and pāpa (demerit) are very important from the ethical point of view. Pāpa is the result of evil deeds generated by vice and puṇya is the result of good deeds generated by virtuous conduct. One should take up the path of a virtuous life to lead the way to spiritual growth. Ultimately, one transcends both virtue and vice. Right conduct is necessary for the spiritual progress of man.
Source: The University of Sydney: A study of the Twelve ReflectionsPuṇya (पुण्य) refers to “virtue”, according to the 11th century Jñānārṇava, a treatise on Jain Yoga in roughly 2200 Sanskrit verses composed by Śubhacandra.—Accordingly, “In this world sometimes corporeal [souls] filled with a mass of virtue (puṇya-prāgbhāra-saṃbhṛta) appear in heaven because of the development of life and name karmas connected with the celestial state of existence. And, having obtained the good fortune of heaven, [those corporeal beings] enjoy heavenly pleasure in the lower heavens and in the celestial vehicles or among other groups [of gods]”.
Jainism is an Indian religion of Dharma whose doctrine revolves around harmlessness (ahimsa) towards every living being. The two major branches (Digambara and Svetambara) of Jainism stimulate self-control (or, shramana, ‘self-reliance’) and spiritual development through a path of peace for the soul to progess to the ultimate goal.
India history and geography
Source: Wisdom Library: Teachers, Saints and SagesPuṇya (पुण्य) or Puṇyapāda refers to one of the eighty-four Siddhas (Siddhācāryas) mentioned in various sources as being representative teachers of Sahajiya Tantrism, Alchemy, Nath Sampradaya and other traditions having influence in the Indian subcontinent and the Himalayas.—Many of these Mahāsiddhas [e.g., Puṇya-pāda] were historical figures whose lives and mystical powers were the subject of legends. They are often associated with teachings belonging to Hinduism, Buddhism, Ajivikism and Jainism and are evident of a caste-less interreligious spiritual society.
The history of India traces the identification of countries, villages, towns and other regions of India, as well as mythology, zoology, royal dynasties, rulers, tribes, local festivities and traditions and regional languages. Ancient India enjoyed religious freedom and encourages the path of Dharma, a concept common to Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism.
Biology (plants and animals)
Source: Google Books: CRC World Dictionary (Regional names)Punya in India is the name of a plant defined with Withania somnifera in various botanical sources. This page contains potential references in Ayurveda, modern medicine, and other folk traditions or local practices It has the synonym Physaloides somnifera Moench (among others).
Example references for further research on medicinal uses or toxicity (see latin names for full list):
· Pakistan Journal of Botany (1982)
· Journal of Cytology and Genetics (1984)
· Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae (1978)
· Journal of Ethnopharmacology (1985)
· Journal of Ethnopharmacology (1994)
· De la Belladone (1825)
If you are looking for specific details regarding Punya, for example side effects, pregnancy safety, chemical composition, health benefits, diet and recipes, extract dosage, have a look at these references.
This sections includes definitions from the five kingdoms of living things: Animals, Plants, Fungi, Protists and Monera. It will include both the official binomial nomenclature (scientific names usually in Latin) as well as regional spellings and variants.
Languages of India and abroad
Marathi-English dictionary
Source: DDSA: The Molesworth Marathi and English Dictionarypuṇya (पुण्य).—n (S) Moral or religious merit: also a meritorious act or deed. Note. This word bears not the feeblest implication of Holiness, godliness, or purity of spirit. See the notice under pāpa. Compounds are numerous; as puṇyakarma, puṇyakṛtya, puṇyakṛti, puṇyakṣaya, puṇyavṛddhi, puṇyapatha, puṇyavarddhana, puṇyakṣaraṇa, puṇya- sampādana, puṇyadivasa, puṇyaghaṭikā, puṇyaprasaṅga, puṇyamuhūrtta, puṇyasthāna. Others needing explanation follow in order. puṇya kharacaṇēṃ (To expend merit--a portion of one's stock.) To do or to be engaged about some evil action. puṇyācā Assumed, supposed, or conceived in a religious point of view (to be one's father, mother, brother, sister, son &c.); as puṇyācā bāpa puṇyācī āī &c. The word differs little from dharmācā. puṇyācyā pārīṃ or puṇyadvārīṃ basaṇēṃ, puṇyācā pāra bāndhaṇēṃ To be constantly occupied in deeds of philanthropy or in the offices of religion--i. e. in services and exercises involving meritoriousness.
Source: DDSA: The Aryabhusan school dictionary, Marathi-Englishpuṇya (पुण्य).—n Moral or religious merit. A me- ritorious act. puṇya kharacaṇēṃ To do or to be engaged about some evil action. puṇyācyā pārīṃ or puṇyadvārīṃ basaṇēṃ, puṇyācā pāra bāndhaṇēṃ To be constantly occupied in deeds of philanthropy or in the offices of religion.
Marathi is an Indo-European language having over 70 million native speakers people in (predominantly) Maharashtra India. Marathi, like many other Indo-Aryan languages, evolved from early forms of Prakrit, which itself is a subset of Sanskrit, one of the most ancient languages of the world.
Sanskrit dictionary
Source: DDSA: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionaryPuṇya (पुण्य).—a. [Uṇādi-sūtra 5.15.]
1) Holy, sacred, pure; जनकतनयास्नानपुण्योदकेषु आश्रमेषु (janakatanayāsnānapuṇyodakeṣu āśrameṣu) Meghadūta 1; पुण्यं धाम चण्डीश्वरस्य (puṇyaṃ dhāma caṇḍīśvarasya) Meghadūta 35; पुण्यानि हि नामग्रहणान्यपि महामुनीनां किं पुनर्दर्शनानि (puṇyāni hi nāmagrahaṇānyapi mahāmunīnāṃ kiṃ punardarśanāni) K.41; Ś.2.14; Manusmṛti 2.68.
2) Good, meritorious, virtuous, righteous, just.
3) Auspicious, propitious, lucky, favourable (as a day); Manusmṛti 2.26,3.
4) Agreeable, pleasing, lovely, beautiful; प्रकृत्या पुण्यलक्ष्मीकौ (prakṛtyā puṇyalakṣmīkau) Mv. 1.16,24; Uttararāmacarita 4.19; Kumārasambhava 5.73; so पुण्यदर्शनः (puṇyadarśanaḥ) &c.
5) Sweet, fragrant (as odour).
6) Solemn, festive,
-ṇyam 1 Virtue, religious or moral merit; अत्युत्कटैः पापपुण्यैरिहैव फलमश्नुते (atyutkaṭaiḥ pāpapuṇyairihaiva phalamaśnute) H.1.8; महतः पुण्यपण्येन क्रीतेयं कायनौ- स्त्वया (mahataḥ puṇyapaṇyena krīteyaṃ kāyanau- stvayā) Śānti.3.1; R.1.69; N.3.87.
2) A virtuous or meritorious act, good or virtuous works.
3) Purity, purification.
4) A trough for watering cattle.
5) A religious ceremony, especially one performed by a wife to retain her husband's affection and to obtain a son.
6) (Astrol.) the seventh mansion from जन्मलग्न (janmalagna).
7) the union of मेष, कर्क, तुला (meṣa, karka, tulā) and मकर (makara).
-ṇyā 1 The holy basil.
2) The Ganges.
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Shabda-Sagara Sanskrit-English DictionaryPuṇya (पुण्य).—mfn.
(-ṇyaḥ-ṇyā-ṇyaṃ) 1. Virtuous, pure, righteous. 2. Beautiful, pleasing. 3. Fragrant. n.
(-ṇyaṃ) 1. Virtue, moral or religious merit. 2. A good action. 3. Purity, purification. 4. A trough for watering cattle. f.
(-ṇyā) 1. Holy basil, (Ocymun sanctum.) 2. Lucky, auspitious. 3. Solemn, festive. E. pūñ to be or make pure, yat Unadi aff., and ṇvuk augment; or appropriately pū-ḍuṇya .
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Benfey Sanskrit-English DictionaryPuṇya (पुण्य).—probably from puṣ, I. adj., f. yā. 1. Beautiful, [Nala] 12, 37. 2. Pure, [Mānavadharmaśāstra] 9, 186; virtuous, [Mānavadharmaśāstra] 2, 106. 3. Fragrant,
Puṇya (पुण्य).—[adjective] prosperous, auspicious, favourable, fair, beautiful, right, just, pure, good, holy. [neuter] good, right, good work (also collect), virtue, merit; also = seq.
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Aufrecht Catalogus CatalogorumPuṇya (पुण्य) as mentioned in Aufrecht’s Catalogus Catalogorum:—poet. [Subhāshitāvali by Vallabhadeva] See Adbhutapuṇya.
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary1) Puṇya (पुण्य):—mf(ā)n. (perhaps [from] √2. puṣ, according to, [Uṇādi-sūtra v, 15 from] √pū; See also √puṇ) auspicious, propitious, fair, pleasant, good, right, virtuous, meritorious, pure, holy, sacred, [Ṛg-veda] etc. etc.
2) m. Name of a poet, [Catalogue(s)]
3) of another man, [Buddhist literature]
4) m. or n. Name of a lake, [Mahābhārata]
5) Puṇyā (पुण्या):—[from puṇya] f. holy basil, [cf. Lexicographers, esp. such as amarasiṃha, halāyudha, hemacandra, etc.]
6) [v.s. ...] Physalis Flexuosa, [cf. Lexicographers, esp. such as amarasiṃha, halāyudha, hemacandra, etc.]
7) [v.s. ...] Name of a daughter of Kratu and Saṃnati, [Viṣṇu-purāṇa]
8) Puṇya (पुण्य):—n. (ifc. f(ā). ) the good or right, virtue, purity, good work, meritorious act, moral or religious merit, [Mahābhārata; Kāvya literature] etc.
9) n. a religious ceremony ([especially] one performed by a wife in order to retain her husband’s affections and to obtain a son; also -ka), [Mahābhārata; Harivaṃśa]
10) a brick trough for watering cattle, [Horace H. Wilson]
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Yates Sanskrit-English DictionaryPuṇya (पुण्य):—(ṇyaṃ) 1. n. Righteousness, virtue, merit; a trough. f. (ṇyā) Holy basil. a. Righteous; pleasing; beautiful; fragrant.
Source: DDSA: Paia-sadda-mahannavo; a comprehensive Prakrit Hindi dictionary (S)Puṇya (पुण्य) in the Sanskrit language is related to the Prakrit word: Puṇṇa.
[Sanskrit to German]
Sanskrit, also spelled संस्कृतम् (saṃskṛtam), is an ancient language of India commonly seen as the grandmother of the Indo-European language family (even English!). Closely allied with Prakrit and Pali, Sanskrit is more exhaustive in both grammar and terms and has the most extensive collection of literature in the world, greatly surpassing its sister-languages Greek and Latin.
Hindi dictionary
Source: DDSA: A practical Hindi-English dictionaryPuṇya (पुण्य) [Also spelled puny]:—(nm) good; virtue; right; good deed, righteous action, (a) sacred, holy (as —[bhūmi]), virtuous, righteous (as —[kārya]); ~[karma] sacred/good deed, virtuous/righteous act; —[kāla] auspicious moment, ~[kīrti] celebrated, bearing a good name; —[kṣetra] a holy/sacred place, a place of pilgrimage: ~[tama] the purest, the most sacred; ~[tara] purer, more sacred; —[tīrtha] sacred pilgrimage, one whose very sight is as good as a visit to a holy place of pilgrimage; ~[darśana] (of) auspicious/propitious (appearance); —[pratāpa] celebrity acquired through good deeds, the bounty of good deed, efficacy of virtue or religious merit; ~[phala] the fruit or reward of virtue or righteous deed; ~[bala] force acquired through good deeds, strength of virtue; ~[bhūmi] holy land/place; ~[mmanya] thinking oneself to be virtuous/meritorious, ~[yoga] the effect of virtuous actions; ~[loka] paradise, virtuous/righteous world; ~[śloka] saintly, pious, celebrated, of good fame or reputation.
Kannada-English dictionary
Source: Alar: Kannada-English corpusPuṇya (ಪುಣ್ಯ):—
1) [adjective] beautiful; good looking; pleasing to look at.
2) [adjective] excellent; eminent.
3) [adjective] spiritually perfect or pure; untainted by evil or sin; sinless; saintly; holy.
4) [adjective] having or characterised by, moral virtue; righteous; virtuous.
5) [adjective] of good omen; boding well for the future; favorable; propitious; auspicious.
6) [adjective] having, showing or causing a feeling of great pleasure, contentment, joy, etc.; joyous; happy.
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Puṇya (ಪುಣ್ಯ):—
1) [noun] the religious merit a person is supposed to get as a reward for the good, virtuous, righteous acts.
2) [noun] that which is untainted by evil or sin; a holy object.
3) [noun] the fruit of a righteous act or acts of a person conceived in a tangible form.
4) [noun] a virtuous, righteous or compassionate act.
5) [noun] a fortunate, blessed man.
6) [noun] a man whose acts, behaviour etc. are righteous, virtuous; a saintly man.
7) [noun] the quality of being pure or clean; purity; cleanliness.
8) [noun] the quality of being auspicious; auspiciousness.
9) [noun] beauty; charmingness; loveliness.
10) [noun] favourable reputation; renown; fame.
11) [noun] a dwelling place; a house.
12) [noun] ಪುಣ್ಯ ಕಟ್ಟಿಕೊಳ್ಳು [punya kattikollu] puṇya kaṭṭikoḷḷu to earn religious merit by doing a virtuous act; 2. to help or show compassion; ಪುಣ್ಯ ಮಾಡು [punya madu] puṇya māḍu to help another with compassion; ಪುಣ್ಯ ಮಾಡಿರು [punya madiru] puṇya māḍiru to be lucky, fortunate.
Kannada is a Dravidian language (as opposed to the Indo-European language family) mainly spoken in the southwestern region of India.
Nepali dictionary
Source: unoes: Nepali-English Dictionary1) Puṇya (पुण्य):—n. 1. piety; virtue; religious merit; 2. purity; purification; 3. virtuous or meritorious act; pious activities; action that elevate the soul;
2) Puṇya (पुण्य):—adj. 1. pure; virtuous; sacred; 2. auspicious; propitious; favorable;
Nepali is the primary language of the Nepalese people counting almost 20 million native speakers. The country of Nepal is situated in the Himalaya mountain range to the north of India.
See also (Relevant definitions)
Starts with (+214): Punya-vacana, Punyabala, Punyabha, Punyabhaj, Punyabhajana, Punyabhajin, Punyabharita, Punyabhu, Punyabhumi, Punyacarita, Punyacarite, Punyaceshtita, Punyadarshana, Punyadaru, Punyadhama, Punyadhyanripa, Punyadhyanripaprabandha, Punyadin, Punyadina, Punyaduh.
Ends with (+31): Adbhutapunya, Adhyayanapunya, Akritapunya, Akshanaipunya, Alpapunya, Amshapunya, Anaipunya, Anishtapunya, Anumodanapunya, Anumodapunya, Anunapunya, Aprameyapunya, Apunya, Atatapunya, Atipunya, Atmapunya, Bhutapunya, Danapunya, Gatapunya, Jagatpunya.
Full-text (+490): Punna, Punyodaya, Punyayoga, Punyadarshana, Punyata, Punyabhaj, Punyaka, Paunahpunya, Punyaha, Punyakarman, Punyashloka, Punyatman, Punyanagara, Punahpuna, Kshinapunya, Punyashila, Punyaduh, Punyavijita, Punyakartri, Punyaloka.
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Search found 156 books and stories containing Punya, Puṇyā, Puṇya, Punyas; (plurals include: Punyas, Puṇyās, Puṇyas, Punyases). You can also click to the full overview containing English textual excerpts. Below are direct links for the most relevant articles:
Tattvartha Sutra (with commentary) (by Vijay K. Jain)
Verse 8.25 - The types of karmas that constitute merit (puṇya) < [Chapter 8 - Bondage of Karmas]
Verse 6.3 - The two kinds of Karmas (merit and demerit) < [Chapter 6 - Influx of Karmas]
Verse 8.26 - The types of karmas that constitute demerit (pāpa) < [Chapter 8 - Bondage of Karmas]
Garga Samhita (English) (by Danavir Goswami)
Verse 6.10.26 < [Chapter 10 - In the Description of the Gomatī River, the Glories of Cakra-tīrtha]
Verses 3.10.20-21 < [Chapter 10 - The Glory of Śrī Girirāja]
Verse 6.15.8 < [Chapter 15 - The Glories of Nṛga-kūpa and Gopī-bhūmi]
Maha Prajnaparamita Sastra (by Gelongma Karma Migme Chödrön)
Part 5 - Making known the names of the three jewels < [Chapter LI - Seeing all the Buddha Fields]
V. Purifying great offerings < [Part 3 - Acquiring precedence, etc.]
Puṇyakriyāvastu: preliminary note < [Part 5 - Establishing beings in the puṇyakriyāvastus]
Sivaprakasam (Study in Bondage and Liberation) (by N. Veerappan)
Three forms of deeds < [Chapter 2 - Bondage]
Mukti possible with body in worldly life < [Chapter 7 - Liberation]
Shrimad Bhagavad-gita (by Narayana Gosvami)
Verse 9.33 < [Chapter 9 - Rāja-guhya-yoga (Yoga through the most Confidential Knowledge)]
Verse 7.9 < [Chapter 7 - Vijñāna-Yoga (Yoga through Realization of Transcendental Knowledge)]
Verse 18.76 < [Chapter 18 - Mokṣa-yoga (the Yoga of Liberation)]
Notices of Sanskrit Manuscripts (by Rajendralala Mitra)
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