Prashamsa, Praśaṃsā, Prashamsha: 19 definitions
Prashamsa means something in Buddhism, Pali, Hinduism, Sanskrit, Jainism, Prakrit, Marathi, Hindi. If you want to know the exact meaning, history, etymology or English translation of this term then check out the descriptions on this page. Add your comment or reference to a book if you want to contribute to this summary article.
The Sanskrit term Praśaṃsā can be transliterated into English as Prasamsa or Prashamsa, using the IAST transliteration scheme (?).
Alternative spellings of this word include Prashansa.
In Hinduism
Natyashastra (theatrics and dramaturgy)
Source: Wisdom Library: Nāṭya-śāstraPraśaṃsā (प्रशंसा, “simile of praise”) refers to one of the five kinds of upamā, according to Nāṭyaśāstra chapter 17. Upamā (‘simile’) is one of the four “figures of speech” (alaṃkāra), used when composing dramatic compositions (kāvya).

Natyashastra (नाट्यशास्त्र, nāṭyaśāstra) refers to both the ancient Indian tradition (shastra) of performing arts, (natya—theatrics, drama, dance, music), as well as the name of a Sanskrit work dealing with these subjects. It also teaches the rules for composing Dramatic plays (nataka), construction and performance of Theater, and Poetic works (kavya).
Pancaratra (worship of Nārāyaṇa)
Source: Catalogue of Pancaratra Agama TextsPraśaṃsā (प्रशंसा) refers to the “greatness (of the pāñcarātra system)”, according to the second chapter of the Aniruddhasaṃhitā, an ancient Pāñcarātra Āgama text dealing with the annual festivals of temples and regular temple worship routines.—Description of the chapter [śāstra-praśaṃsā]: A series of metaphors is used to show how superior the Pāñcarātra system is to ail other systems. Because its ultimate source is Viṣṇu Himself, he who knows and masters the system is transmuted to the level of the divinities. All who study it will be accounted virtuous, etc.

Pancaratra (पाञ्चरात्र, pāñcarātra) represents a tradition of Hinduism where Narayana is revered and worshipped. Closeley related to Vaishnavism, the Pancaratra literature includes various Agamas and tantras incorporating many Vaishnava philosophies.
In Buddhism
Buddhist philosophy
Source: Google Books: A History of Indian Logic (Buddhist Philosophy)Praśaṃsā (प्रशंसा) refers to the “excellence” (of speech) (within a debate), according to Upāyakauśalyahṛdaya, an ancient work on the art of debate composed by Bodhisattva Nāgārjuna.—The first chapter [i.e., “an elucidation of debate (vāda-visadīkaraṇa)”] consists of eight sections which treat respectively of (1) an example (udāharaṇa), (2) a tenet, truth or conclusion (siddhānta), (3) the excellence of speech (vākya praśaṃsā), (4) the defect of speech (vākya-doṣa), (5) the knowledge of inference (anumāna or hetujñāna), (6) the appropriate or opportune speech (samayocita-vākya), (7) the fallacy (hetvābhāsa) and (8) the adoption of a fallacious reason (duṣṭa-vākyānusaraṇa).
Note: A speech is said to be excellent [i.e., vākya-praśaṃsā] if its words are neither inadequate nor redundant, and its reason and example well expressed.
Mahayana (major branch of Buddhism)
Source: A Study and Translation of the GaganagañjaparipṛcchāPraśaṃsā (प्रशंसा) refers to “praise”, according to the Gaganagañjaparipṛcchā: the eighth chapter of the Mahāsaṃnipāta (a collection of Mahāyāna Buddhist Sūtras).—Accordingly, “The Lord said: ‘Do you see, Śāriputra, these pavilions?’ Śāriputra said: ‘O Lord, I see them’. The Lord asked: ‘Is it possible to know the limit of praise (praśaṃsā) of these pavilions?’. Śāriputra replied: ‘I cannot understand, Lord, the limit of praise of these pavilions until the end of my life’ The Lord said: ‘Śāriputra, just as this whole assembly, having gone to the sky, appear to enter the well-adorned pavilion, in the same way they enter into the pavilion in the Mahāvyūha universe’.”.

Mahayana (महायान, mahāyāna) is a major branch of Buddhism focusing on the path of a Bodhisattva (spiritual aspirants/ enlightened beings). Extant literature is vast and primarely composed in the Sanskrit language. There are many sūtras of which some of the earliest are the various Prajñāpāramitā sūtras.
General definition (in Buddhism)
Source: Wisdom Library: Dharma-samgrahaPraśaṃsā (प्रशंसा, “praise”) refers to one of the “eight worldly conditions” (lokadharma) as defined in the Dharma-saṃgraha (section 61). The Dharma-samgraha (Dharmasangraha) is an extensive glossary of Buddhist technical terms in Sanskrit (e.g., praśaṃsā). The work is attributed to Nagarjuna who lived around the 2nd century A.D.
In Jainism
General definition (in Jainism)
Source: Jaina YogaPraśaṃsā (प्रशंसा, “admiration”) or Para-pāṣaṇḍi-praśaṃsā refers to “admiration of adherents of other creeds” and represents an aspect of samyaktva (right belief) classified under the aticāra heading, according to various Jain authors. The distinction between the fourth (praśaṃsā) and fifth (saṃstava) aticāras seems artificial. As has been noted they both have for antonym the aṅga of amūḍha-dṛṣṭi and in fact Somadeva, in his Yaśastilaka, couples them together under the designation of anya-ślāghā or mūḍhatā. With that exception the Digambaras (for example, Cāmuṇḍarāya, in his Caritrasāra) define praśaṃsā as “praise expressed in the mind” and saṃstava as “praise expressed in words”. The Śvetāmbaras (Yogaśāstra 2.17) interpret praśaṃsā as “praise” and saṃstava as “acquaintance”. Siddhasena Gaṇin (in his commentary on the Tattvārtha-sūtra v7.19), however, prefers the Digambara explanation.
For many writers these two aticāras (Para-pāṣaṇḍi-praśaṃsā and Para-pāṣaṇḍi-saṃstava) give an occasion to describe and criticize the false beliefs of other sects—180 varieties of kriya-vādins y 84 of akriya-vādins, 67 of ajñānikas, and 32 of vainayikas are listed—particularly the Buddhists and Śaivas.
The aticāras of samyaktva (e.g., para-pāṣaṇḍi-praśaṃsā) may virtually, if the fourth and fifth of them which are closely related are merged together, be equated with the first four doṣas. Both aticāras and doṣas represent the negation of the aṅgas. Pūjyapāda holds that it is in any event unnecessary to have eight aticāras corresponding to the eight aṅgas as the fourth and fifth—para-pāṣaṇḍi-praśaṃsā and para-pāṣaṇḍi-saṃstava—are elastic and comprehensive.
Source: Encyclopedia of Jainism: Tattvartha Sutra 7: The Five VowsPraśaṃsā (प्रशंसा, “admiration”) according to the 2nd-century Tattvārthasūtra 7.23.—What is the difference between praise (saṃstava) and admiration (praśaṃsā)? Praise is basically expression by speech while administration is a mental process by the person for other’s attributes.

Jainism is an Indian religion of Dharma whose doctrine revolves around harmlessness (ahimsa) towards every living being. The two major branches (Digambara and Svetambara) of Jainism stimulate self-control (or, shramana, ‘self-reliance’) and spiritual development through a path of peace for the soul to progess to the ultimate goal.
Languages of India and abroad
Marathi-English dictionary
Source: DDSA: The Molesworth Marathi and English Dictionarypraśaṃsā (प्रशंसा).—f (S) Praise. praśaṃsita p (S) Praised.
Source: DDSA: The Aryabhusan school dictionary, Marathi-Englishpraśaṃsā (प्रशंसा).—f Praise.
Marathi is an Indo-European language having over 70 million native speakers people in (predominantly) Maharashtra India. Marathi, like many other Indo-Aryan languages, evolved from early forms of Prakrit, which itself is a subset of Sanskrit, one of the most ancient languages of the world.
Sanskrit dictionary
Source: DDSA: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionaryPraśaṃsā (प्रशंसा).—
1) Praise, eulogy, panegyric, applause; प्रशंसावचनम् (praśaṃsāvacanam) 'a complimentary or laudatory remark'.
2) Description, reference to; as in अप्रस्तुतप्रशंसा (aprastutapraśaṃsā) q. v.
3) Glory, fame, reputation.
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Shabda-Sagara Sanskrit-English DictionaryPraśaṃśā (प्रशंशा).—f.
(-śā) Praise, eulogium. E. pra before, śaṇsa to praise, aṅ and ṭāp affs.: see praśaṃsā .
--- OR ---
Praśaṃsā (प्रशंसा).—f.
(-sā) 1. Praise, applause, flattery, commendation. 2. Fame, reputation, glory. 3. Description, as in aprastūtapraśaṃsā E. pra especially śaṇsa, to praise, affs. aṅ and ṭāp; the root is also read śaṇśa, when this word and the analogous derivatives are read praśaṃśā, &c.
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Benfey Sanskrit-English DictionaryPraśaṃsā (प्रशंसा).—[pra-śaṃs + ā], f. Praise, applause, [Mānavadharmaśāstra] 10, 127; [Daśakumāracarita] in
Praśaṃsā (प्रशंसा):—[=pra-śaṃsā] [from pra-śaṃs] f. praise, commendation, fame, glory (with Buddhists one of the 8 worldly conditions, [Dharmasaṃgraha 61]), [Śatapatha-brāhmaṇa] etc. etc. (cf. aprastuta-p, strī-p; [wrong reading] śaṃśā)
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Yates Sanskrit-English Dictionary1) Praśaṃśā (प्रशंशा):—[pra-śaṃśā] (śā) 1. f. Praise, commendation; eulogium.
2) Praśaṃsā (प्रशंसा):—[pra-śaṃsā] (sā) 1. f. Praise.
Source: DDSA: Paia-sadda-mahannavo; a comprehensive Prakrit Hindi dictionary (S)Praśaṃsā (प्रशंसा) in the Sanskrit language is related to the Prakrit word: Pasaṃsā.
[Sanskrit to German]
Sanskrit, also spelled संस्कृतम् (saṃskṛtam), is an ancient language of India commonly seen as the grandmother of the Indo-European language family (even English!). Closely allied with Prakrit and Pali, Sanskrit is more exhaustive in both grammar and terms and has the most extensive collection of literature in the world, greatly surpassing its sister-languages Greek and Latin.
Hindi dictionary
Source: DDSA: A practical Hindi-English dictionaryPraśaṃsā (प्रशंसा) [Also spelled prashansa]:—(nf) praise, admiration; eulogy; ~[sanīya] praiseworthy, admirable; laudable, commendable; ~[sita] praised, admired, eulogized; ~[sya] see ~[sanīya; ~sā karate na thakanā] to praise no end, to go on singing praises of; ~[sā ke pula bāṃdhanā] to praise in hyperboles.
Nepali dictionary
Source: unoes: Nepali-English DictionaryPraśaṃsā (प्रशंसा):—n. 1. praise; applause; eulogy; compliment; 2. fame; respect; honor; glory; 3. flattery;
Nepali is the primary language of the Nepalese people counting almost 20 million native speakers. The country of Nepal is situated in the Himalaya mountain range to the north of India.
See also (Relevant definitions)
Partial matches: Pra, Shamsa, Canca.
Starts with: Prashamsa-garnu, Prashamsa-patra, Prashamsaghosha, Prashamsaka, Prashamsakaharu, Prashamsalapa, Prashamsamukhara, Prashamsamukharanana, Prashamsana, Prashamsanaman, Prashamsanem, Prashamsaniya, Prashamsaniya-patta, Prashamsanti, Prashamsapatra, Prashamsat, Prashamsavacana, Prashamsavali, Prashamsopama.
Full-text (+58): Atmaprashamsa, Prashamsopama, Aprastutaprashamsa, Prashamsalapa, Prashamsavacana, Prashamsanaman, Prashamsamukhara, Shraddhaprashamsa, Shuklayajurvedadhyetriprashamsa, Hariharaprashamsa, Prashamsamukharanana, Vakyaprashamsa, Shastraprashamsa, Prashamsa-patra, Prashamsa-garnu, Tejasviprashamsa, Manasviprashamsa, Samanyakaviprashamsa, Sajjanaprashamsa, Dikshaprashamsa.
Relevant text
Search found 52 books and stories containing Prashamsa, Pra-śaṃsā, Pra-samsa, Pra-śaṃśā, Pra-shamsa, Pra-shamsha, Praśaṃsā, Prasamsa, Praśaṃśā, Prashamsha; (plurals include: Prashamsas, śaṃsās, samsas, śaṃśās, shamsas, shamshas, Praśaṃsās, Prasamsas, Praśaṃśās, Prashamshas). You can also click to the full overview containing English textual excerpts. Below are direct links for the most relevant articles:
Tattvartha Sutra (with commentary) (by Vijay K. Jain)
Verse 7.23 - The five transgressions of the right-believer (samyagdṛṣṭi) < [Chapter 7 - The Five Vows]
Verse 6.25 - Influx of Karmas leading to low-status (nīca-gotra) < [Chapter 6 - Influx of Karmas]
Jainism and Patanjali Yoga (Comparative Study) (by Deepak bagadia)
Part 2.1 - Right perception (samyak darsana) < [Chapter 3 - Jain Philosophy and Practice]
Rig Veda (translation and commentary) (by H. H. Wilson)
Rig Veda 1.37.5 < [Sukta 37]
Sahitya-kaumudi by Baladeva Vidyabhushana (by Gaurapada Dāsa)
Text 10.72 [Aprastuta-praśaṃsā] < [Chapter 10 - Ornaments of Meaning]
Text 10.81 < [Chapter 10 - Ornaments of Meaning]
Text 10.156 < [Chapter 10 - Ornaments of Meaning]
Rivers in Ancient India (study) (by Archana Sarma)
Introduction to Brāhmaṇa Literature < [Chapter 3 - The Rivers in the Brāhmaṇa Literature]
Narada Purana (English translation) (by G. V. Tagare)
1.4. Dharma-Śāstra and Purāṇas < [Introduction]