Pash, Paś, Paṣ, Pāś: 10 definitions


Pash means something in Hinduism, Sanskrit, Hindi. If you want to know the exact meaning, history, etymology or English translation of this term then check out the descriptions on this page. Add your comment or reference to a book if you want to contribute to this summary article.

The Sanskrit terms Paś and Paṣ and Pāś can be transliterated into English as Pas or Pash, using the IAST transliteration scheme (?).

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Sanskrit dictionary

Source: DDSA: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary

Paś (पश्) or Paṣ (पष्).—1 U.

1) To oppress.

2) To touch; L. D. B.

See also (synonyms): pas.

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Paś (पश्).—1 P. To bind (pāśayati); L. D. B.

See also (synonyms): pas.

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Paṣ (पष्) or Paś (पश्).—1 P. To go, to touch (paṣayati, but with upasarga, paṣati e. g. prapaṣati); L. D. B.

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Pāś (पाश्).—9 P.

1) To eat, consume, devour, feed upon.

2) To taste; वैश्योऽद्भिः प्राशिताभिस्तु (vaiśyo'dbhiḥ prāśitābhistu) Manusmṛti 2.62.

3) To enjoy, sport with.

4) To drink.

Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Shabda-Sagara Sanskrit-English Dictionary

Paś (पश्).—[(ṣa-sa)] r. 1st cl. (paśati-te) r. 10th cl. (pāśayati-te paśayati-te) 1. To bind, to fetter. 2. To knot or tie. 3. To go, to move. 4. To hinder or obstruct. 5. To touch. bādhe bhvā, pakṣe ada0 bandhe-cu-ubha-saka-seṭ.

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Paṣ (पष्).—[paṣa] r. 10th. cl. (pāṣayati paṣayati) 1. To bind, to tie. 2. To move. 3. To oppose, to hinder. 4. To touch.

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Pas (पस्).—[pasa] r. 1st. and 10. cls. (pasati-te pāsayati pasayati) 1. To bind, to fetter, to tie, to string. 2. To touch. 3. To oppose, to obstruct, to hinder. 4. To go, to move. 5. To injure or kill. (i) pasi r. 1st and 10th. cls. (paṃsati paṃsayati-te) To annul, to annihilate or destroy. cu-ubha-sakaseṭa-idit .

Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Benfey Sanskrit-English Dictionary

Paś (पश्).—i. 10 pāśaya, [Parasmaipada.] To bind. pāśita, Bound, [Harivaṃśa, (ed. Calc.)] 3536.

— With the prep. ava ava, ptcple. of the pf. pass. avapāśita, Bound, [Rāmāyaṇa] 3, 59, 18; cf. dṛś, and spaś.

— Cf. probably [Gothic.] fahan; [Anglo-Saxon.] fón with feng; [Old High German.] fahan with fang, fôgjan; [Anglo-Saxon.] fegan; [Gothic.] fahjan; [Old High German.] gafagjan; [Anglo-Saxon.] ge-fegan; [Latin] pac in paciscor, dispesco for dis-pec + sco, compesco.

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Paṣ (पष्).—i. 1, [Parasmaipada.] [Ātmanepada.], v. r. of spaś, q. cf. i. 10, paṣaya, [Parasmaipada.] 1. To bind. 2. To hinder. 3. To touch. 4. To go (v. r. paś). i. 10, pāṣaya, [Parasmaipada.] To bind (v. r.).

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Pas (पस्).—i. 1, [Parasmaipada.] [Ātmanepada.] v. r. of spaś, q. cf. i. 10, [Parasmaipada.] pāsaya, To bind (v. r.)

Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Cappeller Sanskrit-English Dictionary

Paś (पश्).—1. only [present] paśyati, only [present] paśyate (cf. spaś & dṇṣ) see, behold, perceive, look, look on, try, examine, ponder; regard or consider as, take for (2 [accusative] or [accusative] & [adverb] in vat), see with the spiritual eye (of seers and poets), find out, invent.

ati look beyond. anu look at, behold, discover, regard or consider as etc. = [Simple] ava look at, observe. ud look up, foresee, expect, behold, perceive. pari look over, survey, descry, discover, learn, understand, know as (2 [accusative]). pra look forward, foresee, view, behold, know, recognize, take for (2 [accusative]). prati look at, behold, experience, learn. vi see in different places or in detail, discern, distinguish; perceive, observe, know, understand. abhivi behold, perceive. sam see (together or at the same time), look over, survey, observe, consider, try, examine, perceive, behold, know, understand; [Middle] look at each other, be together.

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Paś (पश्).—2. (only [instrumental] paḍbhis) look, eye.

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Paś (पश्).—3. (only [instrumental] paḍbhis) bond, rope.

Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary

1) Paś (पश्):—1. paś only [Present tense] [Ātmanepada] [Parasmaipada] paśyati, te (cf.dṛś and, [Pāṇini 7-3, 78]), to see (with na ‘to be blind’), behold, look at, observe, perceive, notice, [Ṛg-veda] etc. etc.;

—to be a spectator, look on ([especially] p. e.g. tasya paśyataḥ, while he looks on, before his eyes, [Manu-smṛti]; paśyantī tiṣṭhati, she stands and looks on [Śakuntalā]);

—to see a person (either ‘visit’ or ‘receive as a visitor’), [Mahābhārata; Rāmāyaṇa] etc.;

—to live to see, experience, partake of. undergo, incur, [Manu-smṛti; Mahābhārata] etc.;

—to learn, find out, [ib.];

—to regard or consider as, take for ([accusative] with [accusative] or [adverb] in vat), [ib.];

—to see with the spiritual eye, compose, invent (hymns, rites etc.), [Ṛg-veda; Brāhmaṇa; Śāṅkhāyana-śrauta-sūtra];—(also with sādhu) to have insight or discernment, [Manu-smṛti; Mahābhārata] etc.;

—to consider, think over, examine, [ib.];

—to foresee, [ib.];—(paśyāmi, ‘I see or l am convinced’, and paśya, śyata, ‘see, behold, look here!’ often employed parenthetically or interjectionally, [Mahābhārata; Kāvya literature etc.]) [Orig. identical with √spaś, q.v.]

2) 2. paś f. (only [instrumental case] [plural] paḍbhis), sight or eye, [Ṛg-veda iv, 2, 12.]

3) 3. paś [class] 10. [Parasmaipada] pāśayati, to fasten, bind, [Dhātupāṭha xxxiii, 45.]

4) cf. paṣ and pas; [Zend] pas; [Latin] pac-iscor, pax; [Gothic] fahan; [Anglo-Saxon] fān.

5) Paṣ (पष्):—[class] 1. [Ātmanepada] [Parasmaipada] paṣati, te ([varia lectio] for spaś, [Dhātupāṭha xxi, 22]);

— [class] 10. [Parasmaipada] paṣayati, to bind, to hinder, to touch, to go, [xxxv, 10];

pāṣayati, to bind ([varia lectio] for paś, [xxxiii, 45].).

6) Pas (पस्):—[class] 1. [Ātmanepada] [Parasmaipada] pasati, te ([varia lectio] for spaś, [Dhātupāṭha xxi, 22]);

— [class] 10. [Parasmaipada] pāsayati, to bind ([varia lectio] for paś, [xxxiii, 45]).

Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Yates Sanskrit-English Dictionary

1) Paś (पश्):—(ña) paśati, te 1. c. To bind; to go; to hinder; to touch. (ka) paśayati, pāśayati 10. a. Idem.

2) Paṣ (पष्):—(ka) pāṣayati, paṣayati 10. a. To bind, &c. Vide paś.

3) Pas (पस्):—(ki) pasati, te 1. c. (ka) pāsayati, pasayati 10. a. Idem; with (i, ki) paṃsati paṃsayati 1. 10. a. To annihilate, to destroy

[Sanskrit to German]

Pash in German

context information

Sanskrit, also spelled संस्कृतम् (saṃskṛtam), is an ancient language of India commonly seen as the grandmother of the Indo-European language family (even English!). Closely allied with Prakrit and Pali, Sanskrit is more exhaustive in both grammar and terms and has the most extensive collection of literature in the world, greatly surpassing its sister-languages Greek and Latin.

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Hindi dictionary

Source: DDSA: A practical Hindi-English dictionary

Pash in Hindi refers in English to:—(nm) a bond, tie; noose; snare, trap; fetter; chain; mass; lock (as [kesha]~); an instrument used for sprinkling/spraying (as [gulabapasha]); ~[bamdha] a bond; snare; ~[baddha] in bond, snared, in fetters..—pash (पाश) is alternatively transliterated as Pāśa.

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Discover the meaning of pash or pas in the context of Hindi from relevant books on Exotic India

Nepali dictionary

Source: unoes: Nepali-English Dictionary

Pash is another spelling for पाश [pāśa].—n. 1. a cord; chain; fetter; noose; 2. a snare; trap or net for catching birds or beasts; 3. a noose used as weapon; 4. a die; dice;

context information

Nepali is the primary language of the Nepalese people counting almost 20 million native speakers. The country of Nepal is situated in the Himalaya mountain range to the north of India.

Discover the meaning of pash or pas in the context of Nepali from relevant books on Exotic India

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