Paribhashendushekhara, Paribhāṣenduśekhara: 5 definitions
Paribhashendushekhara means something in Hinduism, Sanskrit. If you want to know the exact meaning, history, etymology or English translation of this term then check out the descriptions on this page. Add your comment or reference to a book if you want to contribute to this summary article.
The Sanskrit term Paribhāṣenduśekhara can be transliterated into English as Paribhasendusekhara or Paribhashendushekhara, using the IAST transliteration scheme (?).
In Hinduism
Vyakarana (Sanskrit grammar)
Source: Wikisource: A dictionary of Sanskrit grammarParibhāṣenduśekhara (परिभाषेन्दुशेखर).—The reputed authoritative work on the Paribhasas in the system of Paanini's grammar written by Nagesabhatta in the beginning of the 18th century A.D. at Benares. The work is studied very widely and has got more than 25 commentaries written by pupils in the spiritual line of Nagesa. Well-known among these commentaries are those written by Vaidyanatha Payagunde (called गदा (gadā)), by BhairavamiSra (called मिश्री (miśrī)), by Raghavendraacaarya Gajendragadakara (called त्रिपथगा (tripathagā)), by Govindacarya Astaputre of Poona in the beginning of the nineteenth century (called भावार्थदीपिका (bhāvārthadīpikā)), by BhaskaraSastri Abhyankar of Satara (called भास्करी (bhāskarī)), and by M. M. Vaasudevasaastri Abhyankar of Poona (called तत्त्वादर्श (tattvādarśa)). Besides these, there are commentaries written by Taatya Sastri Patawardhana,Ganapati Sastri Mokaate, Jayadeva Misra, Visnu-Sastri Bhat, Vishwanatha Dandibhatta, Harinaatha Dwiwedi Gopaalacarya Karhaadkar, Harishastri Bhagawata, Govinda Shastri Bharadwaja, Naarayana Shastri Galagali, Venumaadhava Shukla, Brahmaananda Saraswati, ManisiSe-SaSarma,Manyudeva, Samkarabhatta, Indirapati, Bhimacarya Galagali, Madhavacarya Waikaar, Cidrupasraya, Bhimabhatta, Lak-Sminrsimha and a few others. Some of these works are named by their authors as Tikaas, others as Vyaakhyaas and still others as Tippanis or Vivrtis.
Vyakarana (व्याकरण, vyākaraṇa) refers to Sanskrit grammar and represents one of the six additional sciences (vedanga) to be studied along with the Vedas. Vyakarana concerns itself with the rules of Sanskrit grammar and linguistic analysis in order to establish the correct context of words and sentences.
Languages of India and abroad
Sanskrit dictionary
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Cappeller Sanskrit-English DictionaryParibhāṣenduśekhara (परिभाषेन्दुशेखर).—[masculine] T. of a work.
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Aufrecht Catalogus Catalogorum1) Paribhāṣenduśekhara (परिभाषेन्दुशेखर) as mentioned in Aufrecht’s Catalogus Catalogorum:—[grammatical] by Nāgojī. Io. 778. 3071. Oxf. 161^a. B. 3, 12. Lgr. 57. Kāṭm. 9. Pheh. 15. Rādh. 8. Np. Vii, 68 (Paribhāṣāpāṭha). Burnell. 42^b. Bhk. 28. Oppert. 703. 840. 1898. 2634. 3163. 3321. 3725. 4146. 4218. 4322. 4485. 4816. 4872. 5384. 5725. 6377. 6605. 6945. 7338. 7762. Ii, 697. 762. 1106. 1338. 1710. 1720. 1769. 2065. 2257. 2394. 2659. 2769. 4421. 5390. 6329. 6840. 6992. 7395. 7631. 8267. 8657. 8891. 9052. 9252. 9308. 9475. 10085. 10321. 10400. Rice. 18. Peters. 3, 393. Sb. 445.
—[commentary] Oppert. 1899. 8081. Ii, 1339. 2259. 2770. 8658.
—[commentary] Viṣamī by Cidrūpāśrama. NW. 42. Np. I, 112.
—[commentary] by Durbalācārya. NW. 52.
—[commentary] Citprabhā by Brahmānanda Sarasvatī. B. 3, 10.
—[commentary] Paribhāṣārthamañjarī (q. v.) by Bhīma Bhaṭṭa, son of Mādhava. K. 82. B. 3, 12. Rādh. 8. NW. 56 Oudh. V, 8. Np. I, 104.
—[commentary] Gadā by Bhairava Miśra. K. 84. Ben. 23. Rādh. 8. Oudh. Iv, 11. Np. X, 44. Oppert. 4288. 6897. 7753. Ii, 1055. 9071.
—[commentary] by Manyudeva. K. 82. B. 3, 10. Rādh. 8. Oudh. Xv, 52. Np. X, 44. This
—[commentary] is called Paribhāṣenduśekharadoshoddhāra Lgr. 61. Oudh. Vi, 6.
—[commentary] Kāśikā by Vaidyanātha Pāyaguṇḍe. He was a pupil of Nāgojī. Io. 272. 490. L. 1782. Khn. 46. K. 80. B. 3, 12. Oppert. Ii, 2258.
—[commentary] Gadā by the same. K. 80. B. 3, 12. Kāṭm. 9. Rādh. 8. Bhk. 28. Oppert. 1810. 2597. 3120. 4474. Ii, 1742. 10395.
—[commentary] by Lāla Vihārin. NW. 52. 54. Np. 1, 102.
—[commentary] by Śaṅkara Bhaṭṭa. K. 82. Oppert. 8283.
—[commentary] Sarvamaṅgalā by Śeṣaśarman. Oppert. 8226. Kielhorn Preface to Translation p. 23.
—[commentary] by Harirāma. NW. 40. 56.
2) Paribhāṣenduśekhara (परिभाषेन्दुशेखर):—
—[commentary] Tripathagā by Rāghavendrācārya. K. 82. B. 3, 12. Kāṭm. 9. Oudh. Xv, 54. Oppert. 3142. 7313. Ii, 1756. 2054. 2766. 6986. 9248.
3) Paribhāṣenduśekhara (परिभाषेन्दुशेखर):—[grammatical] by Nāgojī. Gb. 78. 79. Hz. 304. Oudh. Xx, 82. Peters. 4, 18. Stein 42.
—[commentary] Hemavatī by Nāgojī himself. Gov. Or. Libr. Madras 49 (without title). Oudh. Xx, 64.
—[commentary] Citprabhā by Brahmānanda Sarasvatī. Gb. 81. Stein 42 (inc.).
—[commentary] by Bhavadevaputra. Peters. 4, 18.
—[commentary] Paribhāṣārthamañjarī by Bhīma Bhaṭṭa, son of Mādhava. Gb. 82. Gov. Or. Libr. Madras 48. Stein 42.
—[commentary] by Bhairavamiśra. Oudh. Xxii, 64.
—[commentary] by Manyudeva. Gov. Or. Libr. Madras 49. Oudh. Xxii, 64.
—[commentary] Triśikhā by Lakṣmīnṛsiṃha. Hz. 251.
—[commentary] Tripathagā by Rāghavendra. Gb. 83.
—[commentary] Kāśikā by Vaidyanātha Pāyaguṇḍa. Stein 42.
—[commentary] Gadā by the same. Gb. 80. Oudh. Xx, 82.
—[commentary] Tripathagā by Veṅkateśaputra. Stein 42.
—[commentary] by Śaṅkara Bhaṭṭa. Stein 42 (inc.).
4) Paribhāṣenduśekhara (परिभाषेन्दुशेखर):—by Nāgojī. Ulwar 1140.
—[commentary] Citprabhā by Brahmānanda Sarasvatī. Ulwar 1144.
—[commentary] Paribhāṣārthamañjarī by Bhīma Bhaṭṭa, son of Mādhava. Ulwar 1141. Extr. 253.
—[commentary] Gadā by Bhairava Miśra. Ulwar 1147.
—[commentary] Paribhāṣenduśekharadoshoddhāra by Manyudeva. Ulwar 1146.
—[commentary] Tripathagā by Rāghavendra. Ulwar 1145.
—[commentary] by Śaṅkara Bhaṭṭa. Ulwar 1148.
—[commentary] Kāśikā by Vaidyanātha Pāyaguṇḍa. Ulwar 1142.
—[commentary] Gadā by the same. Ulwar 1143.
5) Paribhāṣenduśekhara (परिभाषेन्दुशेखर):—by Nāgojī. As p. 104. Bc 88. 289. Hz. 809. 1272 (inc.). L.. 741. C. Citprabhā by Brahmānanda Sarasvatī, pupil of Govindānanda. Hz. 1320 p. 128. C. Paribhāṣārthamañjarī by Bhīma. Hz. 1304. C. by Manyudeva. As p. 104. C. Kāśikā by Vaidyanātha Pāyaguṇḍe. Bc 92. C. Gadā by the same. Hz. 1263.
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English DictionaryParibhāṣenduśekhara (परिभाषेन्दुशेखर):—[=pari-bhāṣendu-śekhara] [from pari-bhāṣā > pari-bhāṣ] m. Name of [work]
[Sanskrit to German]
Paribhashendushekhara in German
Sanskrit, also spelled संस्कृतम् (saṃskṛtam), is an ancient language of India commonly seen as the grandmother of the Indo-European language family (even English!). Closely allied with Prakrit and Pali, Sanskrit is more exhaustive in both grammar and terms and has the most extensive collection of literature in the world, greatly surpassing its sister-languages Greek and Latin.
See also (Relevant definitions)
Partial matches: Sekhara.
Starts with: Paribhashendushekharasamgraha.
Full-text (+46): Indirapati, Citprabha, Upasamjan, Tacchilika, Agrahana, Tripathaga, Nagoji, Akandatandava, Aupadeshika, Induprakasha, Uttarottara, Sheshashastri, Nagesha, Vakyarthacandrika, Trishikha, Shridhari, Vishamapadavyakhya, Bhimabhatta, Harinathadvivedi, Harishatri.
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