Krishnaprema, Kṛṣṇaprema, Krishna-prema: 1 definition


Krishnaprema means something in Hinduism, Sanskrit. If you want to know the exact meaning, history, etymology or English translation of this term then check out the descriptions on this page. Add your comment or reference to a book if you want to contribute to this summary article.

The Sanskrit term Kṛṣṇaprema can be transliterated into English as Krsnaprema or Krishnaprema, using the IAST transliteration scheme (?).

In Hinduism

Vaishnavism (Vaishava dharma)

[«previous next»] — Krishnaprema in Vaishnavism glossary
Source: Pure Bhakti: Bhagavad-gita (4th edition)

Kṛṣṇaprema (कृष्णप्रेम) refers to “pure love for Kṛṣṇa”. (cf. Glossary page from Śrīmad-Bhagavad-Gītā).

Source: Pure Bhakti: Brhad Bhagavatamrtam

Kṛṣṇaprema (कृष्णप्रेम) refers to:—Love for Śrī Kṛṣṇa that is extremely concentrated, that completely melts the heart, and that gives rise to a deep sense of attachment and feelings of possessiveness for the Lord. (cf. Glossary page from Śrī Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta).

Vaishnavism book cover
context information

Vaishnava (वैष्णव, vaiṣṇava) or vaishnavism (vaiṣṇavism) represents a tradition of Hinduism worshipping Vishnu as the supreme Lord. Similar to the Shaktism and Shaivism traditions, Vaishnavism also developed as an individual movement, famous for its exposition of the dashavatara (‘ten avatars of Vishnu’).

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