Chola, Cholā: 3 definitions


Chola means something in the history of ancient India, biology. If you want to know the exact meaning, history, etymology or English translation of this term then check out the descriptions on this page. Add your comment or reference to a book if you want to contribute to this summary article.

Ambiguity: Although Chola has separate glossary definitions below, it also represents an alternative spelling of the word Cola.

Images (photo gallery)

India history and geography

Source: Shodhganga: The significance of the mūla-beras (history)

Chola Dynasty (300 BCE–1279 CE):—The last important phase of art in South India is a mingling of late Chalukya and late Chola art under the Vijayanagara monarchs. A great builder of Chola art and architecture was Kulottunga III (AD 1178-1218). He built the Kampaharesvara Temple at Tribhuvanam and also at Kanchi, Madurai, Chidambaram, Tiruvidaimarudur and Darasuram. Due to the enthusiasm of the Chola kings, Saivism swept over the whole of South India and reached beyond the seas. Thousands of temples were built, giving full rein to the architects and image-makers. This passion was paralleled by a desire to improve the images.

A boom in bronze images marked the Chola period (AD 850-1200). In each temple, though the liṅga remained the central fixed image of worship, there were many movable pieces to be taken out in spectacular processions to stimulate the imagination of the people and help to spread and consolidate the dominant religion. Stone images were not suitable for this purpose and metal ones had to be cast in large numbers. These movable figures were smaller and were mounted on a base, which had either circular holes to thread the poles through, or were provided with lashing rings to secure the image to a litter to be carried in procession.

India history book cover
context information

The history of India traces the identification of countries, villages, towns and other regions of India, as well as mythology, zoology, royal dynasties, rulers, tribes, local festivities and traditions and regional languages. Ancient India enjoyed religious freedom and encourages the path of Dharma, a concept common to Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism.

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Biology (plants and animals)

Source: Google Books: CRC World Dictionary (Regional names)

1) Chola in India is the name of a plant defined with Casuarina equisetifolia in various botanical sources. This page contains potential references in Ayurveda, modern medicine, and other folk traditions or local practices It has the synonym Casuarina equisetifolia L. ex J.R. & G. Forster (among others).

2) Chola is also identified with Cicer arietinum It has the synonym Ononis crotalarioides M.E. Jones, nom. illeg. (etc.).

3) Chola is also identified with Cinnamomum verum It has the synonym Camphora mauritiana Lukman. (etc.).

4) Chola is also identified with Vigna unguiculata It has the synonym Dolichos hastifolius Schnizl. (etc.).

Example references for further research on medicinal uses or toxicity (see latin names for full list):

· Nomenclature et Iconographie des Canneliers et Camphriers (1889)
· Species Plantarum (1753)
· Journ. Arn. Arb. (1950)
· Centuria II. Plantarum (1756)
· Nomenclator Botanicus (1840)
· Flora Indica (1768)

If you are looking for specific details regarding Chola, for example chemical composition, side effects, extract dosage, diet and recipes, pregnancy safety, health benefits, have a look at these references.

Biology book cover
context information

This sections includes definitions from the five kingdoms of living things: Animals, Plants, Fungi, Protists and Monera. It will include both the official binomial nomenclature (scientific names usually in Latin) as well as regional spellings and variants.

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Languages of India and abroad

Nepali dictionary

Source: unoes: Nepali-English Dictionary

Cholā (छोला):—n. a mixture of grams, lentils, peas, soybeans, etc.;

context information

Nepali is the primary language of the Nepalese people counting almost 20 million native speakers. The country of Nepal is situated in the Himalaya mountain range to the north of India.

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See also (Relevant definitions)

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