Candimahatmya, Caṇḍīmāhātmya, Candi-mahatmya: 4 definitions


Candimahatmya means something in Hinduism, Sanskrit. If you want to know the exact meaning, history, etymology or English translation of this term then check out the descriptions on this page. Add your comment or reference to a book if you want to contribute to this summary article.

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[«previous next»] — Candimahatmya in Sanskrit glossary
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Aufrecht Catalogus Catalogorum

1) Caṇḍīmāhātmya (चण्डीमाहात्म्य) as mentioned in Aufrecht’s Catalogus Catalogorum:—See Devīmāhātmya.

2) Caṇḍīmāhātmya (चण्डीमाहात्म्य):—or saptaśatī (q.v.), from Mārkaṇḍeyapurāṇa. [Mackenzie Collection] 73. Pet. 723. Io. 88. W. p. 141. Oxf. 43^b. 44^a. Cambr. 2. 3. Paris. (D 26. 27^a. 27^b. 255.). Tu7b. 14. Rādh. 26. 39. 41. NW. 498. Burnell. 192^b. 197^a. 203^b. P. 9. Bhk. 15. Poona. Ii, 96. 216. H. 36. Taylor. 1, 59. 109. 154. 286. 484. Oppert. 1466. 2182. 2619. 3797. 4550. 6000. 6804. 7441. Ii, 124. 2431. 2489. 2690. 4653. 5462. 6305. 6769. 7593. 7958. 8454. 10043. Rice. 84. 86 (and—[commentary]). 300. Peters. 1, 115. 2, 196.
—[commentary] Pheh. 2. Burnell. 197^b. Oppert. 2620. Bp. 294.
—[commentary] Daṃśoddhāra. Rādh. 26.
—[commentary] Saṃdehabhañjikā. Sb. 332.
—[commentary] by Ātmārāmavyāsa. NW. 252.
—[commentary] by Ānanda Paṇḍita. Oppert. Ii, 8103.
—[commentary] Anvayārthaprakāśikā by Ekanātha Bhaṭṭa. L. 2555.
—[commentary] Kavivallabha by Kāmadeva. L. 357.
—[commentary] by Kāśīnātha. NW. 250.
—[commentary] by Gadādhara Tarkācārya. L. 645.
—[commentary] by Gopīnātha. Oudh. Xiii, 44.
—[commentary] by Govindarāma. Sūcīpattra. 65.
—[commentary] Cidānandakelivilāsa by Gauḍapāda. Burnell. 197^b.
—[commentary] Vidvanmanoramā by Gaurīvara Śarman, com pleted by Rāmacandra Vācaspati. L. 326. 1242.
—[commentary] by Cakravartin. Pheh. 2.
—[commentary] Durgāmāhātmyāvabodhinī, composed by Caturbhujamiśra in 1412. Cambr. 2. L. 2175. Rādh. 26. Oudh. Xvii, 10. Peters. 2, 196. Quoted by Rāmanātha in Trikāṇḍaviveka.
—[commentary] by Jagaddhara. L. 2400. Oudh. Viii, 4.
—[commentary] by Jayanārāyaṇa. Peters. 3, 399.
—[commentary] Daṃśoddhāra by Jayarāma. K. 44.
—[commentary] by Nāgojī. Io. 88. L. 2576. Khn. 92. K. 54. B. 4, 258. Ben. 42. Pheh. 1. Rādh. 26. Np. Ii, 86. Burnell. 197^b. 202^b. Bh. 17. P. 9. Poona. Ii, 96. H. 36. Oppert. Ii, 8404. Peters. 1, 115.
—[commentary] by Nārāyaṇa. Kh. 66. Rādh. 26.
—[commentary] by Nṛsiṃha Cakravartin. Sūcīpattra. 65.
—[commentary] Durgāsaṃdehabhedikā by Pītāmbaramiśra. Ben. 42. NW. 202. Np. Ii, 86. Iii, 40.
—[commentary] Vijayā by Bhagīratha. L. 2407.
—[commentary] Guptavatī by Bhāskararāya. L. 2199. Khn. 94. K. 40. B. 4, 258. Rādh. 26. NW. 238. Oudh. Ix, 4. Xvii, 10. Np. Ii, 86. Oppert. 7052. 7439. Ii, 4555. Rice. 300. Peters. 1, 115.
—[commentary] by Bhīmasena. Pheh. 1. Oudh. X, 6.
—[commentary] by Raghunātha Maskarin. Oudh. X, 6.
—[commentary] by Ravīndra. Oudh. Viii, 4.
—[commentary] Caṇḍīṭīkāsaṃgraha by Rāmakṛṣṇa Śāstrin. Rādh. 26. NW. 188.
—[commentary] by Rāmānandatīrtha. L. 1045.
—[commentary] by Rāmāśrama. Oudh. Xiii, 36.
—[commentary] by Vidyāvinoda. Sūcīpattra. 65.
—[commentary] Caṇḍīślokārthaprakāśa Tattvadīpikā, composed by Virūpākṣa in 1531. L. 2149.
—[commentary] by Vṛndāvana Śukla. NW. 252.
—[commentary] by Śaṅkara Śarman. L. 2063.
—[commentary] by Śaṃtanu. Oxf. 44^a. L. 1698. Khn. 94. K. 54. Pheh. 2. Rādh. 26. P. 9.
—[commentary] by Śiva Bhaṭṭa. L. 609.

Caṇḍīmāhātmya has the following synonyms: Devīmāhātmya, Caṇḍī, Durgāmāhātmya.

3) Caṇḍīmāhātmya (चण्डीमाहात्म्य):—from the Mārkaṇḍeyapurāṇa. Ak 248. Bd. 151 ([fragmentary]). Cr. Hz. 1098 (inc). 1314. Io. 88. 824. 1067. 2240. 2247. 2258. 2415. 3214. 3234. 3237. Jl. L.. 299. 300. Peters. 6, 528. Rep. p. 5. Śg. 2, 294. Whish 41. C. [anonymous] L.. 301. Peters. 5, 573. C. Guptavatī by Abhinavagupta. Ak 249. C. Siddhāntamañjarī by Kṛṣṇānanda. Hpr. 1, 177. C. by Gadādhara Tarkācārya. L.. 299. C. Tattvaprakāśikā by Gopāla, son of Durgādāsa. Cs 2, 527. Hpr. 1, 178. C. by Gopālamiśra. Hpr. 1, 179. C. by Govindarāma. Hpr. 1, 180. 2, 104. C. Vidvanmanoramā by Gaurīvara. Hpr. 1, 185. C. by Jagaddhara, son of Ratnadhara. Io. 2926. C. by Narasiṃha Cakravartin. Hpr. 1, 181. C. Devīmāhātmyamañjarī by Narasiṃha Cakravartin. As p. 85. Hpr. 1, 182. C. by Nāgojī. Ak 248. As p. 84. Io. 88. 1588. L.. 302. Peters. 5, 574. C. by Nārāyaṇa. Bd. 151 ([fragmentary]). C. Durgāsaṃdehabhedikā by Pītāmbara. As p. 84. C. Guptavatī by Bhāskararāya, son of Gambhīrarāya. Cs 4, 28. C. Tātparyakaumudī by Raghunātha Cakravartin. Hpr. 1, 184. 2, 105. C. by Raghunātha Maskarin. Io. 824. Called by Peterson Ulwar 2177 Raghunāthabhāskara. C. Kaumudī by Rāmakṛṣṇa. Hpr. 1, 175. C. Saptaśatīviveka by Rāmacandra Vācaspati. Hpr. 1, 186. C. Tattvāvabodhinī by Vidyāvinoda. Cs 4, 29. 304. Hpr, 1, 183. C. Candrikā by Śiva. As p. 85. Hpr. 1, 17. Durgārahasya. Bd. 150. Rahasyatraya. Three supplementary chapters to the Devīmāhātmya. L.. 300. 303.

Caṇḍīmāhātmya has the following synonyms: Devīmāhātmya.

Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary

Caṇḍīmāhātmya (चण्डीमाहात्म्य):—[=caṇḍī-māhātmya] [from caṇḍī > caṇḍ] n. = ḍikā-m.

[Sanskrit to German]

Candimahatmya in German

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Sanskrit, also spelled संस्कृतम् (saṃskṛtam), is an ancient language of India commonly seen as the grandmother of the Indo-European language family (even English!). Closely allied with Prakrit and Pali, Sanskrit is more exhaustive in both grammar and terms and has the most extensive collection of literature in the world, greatly surpassing its sister-languages Greek and Latin.

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