Brahmakundi, Brahmakuṇḍi: 1 definition
Brahmakundi means something in the history of ancient India. If you want to know the exact meaning, history, etymology or English translation of this term then check out the descriptions on this page. Add your comment or reference to a book if you want to contribute to this summary article.
India history and geography
Source: S.V.U.Oriental Journal, Vol. XI, Jan-Dec 1968, Parts 1&2Brahmakuṇḍi is the name of a river of Āndhradeśa (Andhra country).—The Brahmakuṇḍi or Guṇḍlakamma unlike several other larger rivers which are tributaries, has an independent course and falls into the Bay of Bengal. It had more in common with the larger rivers except in its length where it resembles the minor rivers. On either side of the holy river, flourished kingdoms of the Yādavas of Addanki and of the Reḍḍis subsequently. Centres of pilgrimage, eg., Kanuparti had their heyday. The region and the river are celebrated in the records and literature of the Reḍḍis and relics of bygone glory are seen even today.
This river bears the names—Kunti, Kuṇḍi, Kuṇḍika, Kuṇḍijā, Guṇḍi, Guṇḍeru and Guṇḍleru, Kuṇḍiprabhā and Brahmakuṇḍi, Brahmaguṇḍi and Guṇḍlakamma in several inscriptions largely from Tripurāntakam (Markapur Taluk) and several places in Ongole Taluk and comparatively a few temples in Vinukonda Taluk.
Most probably Brahmakuṇḍi is the shortened form of Guṇḍlabrahmeśvaram, Brahma standing for Brahmeśvaram and kuṇḍi being the Sanskritised form of guṇḍla. So appropriately in the popular name of the river Guṇḍlakamma, Guṇḍla stands for kuṇḍi and kamma is corrupt form of brahma. The regions watered by the river were Puṅgināḍu, Kammanādu, Addaṅkirāṣṭra, Addaṅki Daṇḍapāṭa with subdivisions in them.
The history of India traces the identification of countries, villages, towns and other regions of India, as well as mythology, zoology, royal dynasties, rulers, tribes, local festivities and traditions and regional languages. Ancient India enjoyed religious freedom and encourages the path of Dharma, a concept common to Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism.
See also (Relevant definitions)
Full-text (+6): Kundija, Gunderu, Kundi, Gundi, Gundlakamma, Kunti, Kundiprabha, Brahmagundi, Kundika, Gundleru, Chakranarayana, Mahanadi, Kshira, Rishikulya, Penna, Krishna, Bahuda, Vamshadhara, Dindi, Langulya.
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