Atanem, Aṭaṇēṃ, Aṭaṇeṃ: 2 definitions


Atanem means something in Marathi. If you want to know the exact meaning, history, etymology or English translation of this term then check out the descriptions on this page. Add your comment or reference to a book if you want to contribute to this summary article.

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Marathi-English dictionary

Source: DDSA: The Molesworth Marathi and English Dictionary

aṭaṇēṃ (अटणें).—v i (Poetry. aṭana S) To travel, roam, peregrinate. Ex. puḍhēṃ mṛgayāmiṣēṃ aṭatāṃ || gaṅgātīrā pātalā ||

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aṭaṇēṃ (अटणें).—v i To thicken or inspissate by boiling--milk, sugarcane-juice &c. 2 To be reduced into narrow compass; to become compact and firm: also to shrink or shrivel up; to be contracted--leather, cloth &c. Ex. dōrīsa pīḷa paḍalā asatāṃ aṭatī; nitya mēhanata kēlī asatā śarīra aṭūna baḷakaṭa hōtēṃ. 3 To be consumed or used in; to be taken up by. Ex. dōhō aṅgarakhyācēṃ kāpaḍa ēkā aṅgarakhyālā aṭalēṃ. 4 To turn out or be short, strait, scanty, deficient--a thing made. N. B. This verb will sometimes be used transitively in the above senses. 5 To waste or dry up--the body, a well or stream: also to be consumed or exhausted--property or a store. Ex. taisēṃ tukayācēṃ dhanadhānya samasta || aṭōni gēlēṃ jēthacē tēthēṃ ||

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aṭaṇēṃ (अटणें).—v c See the notice under aṭaṇēṃ v i. 2 To twist; to form by complication. Ex. hēṃ sumbha tiparī aṭūna āṇa. 3 To wear and waste through teasing or tormenting; to torment, worry, harass, gen. Ex. aṭiti tāḍiti jhōḍiti niṣṭura || yamācē kiṅkara bahusāla || Also aṭīna sakaḷa tribhuvana || jaisēṃ pralhādākāraṇēṃ sampūrṇa || śrīnūsiṃha aṭilēṃ || Also to wear out or make an utter end of; as per asō samasta āṭōni rajanīcara || 4 To fuse (metals).

Source: DDSA: The Aryabhusan school dictionary, Marathi-English

aṭaṇēṃ (अटणें).—v i Melt; thicken. Dry up. Also applied to milch-cattle when they cease to yield milk.

context information

Marathi is an Indo-European language having over 70 million native speakers people in (predominantly) Maharashtra India. Marathi, like many other Indo-Aryan languages, evolved from early forms of Prakrit, which itself is a subset of Sanskrit, one of the most ancient languages of the world.

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