Apehivanija, Apehi-vanija, Apehivāṇijā: 2 definitions


Apehivanija means something in Hinduism, Sanskrit. If you want to know the exact meaning, history, etymology or English translation of this term then check out the descriptions on this page. Add your comment or reference to a book if you want to contribute to this summary article.

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[«previous next»] — Apehivanija in Sanskrit glossary
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary

Apehivāṇijā (अपेहिवाणिजा):—[=apehi-vāṇijā] [from apehi > ape] ([scilicet] kriyā) f. a ceremony from which merchants are excluded, [ib.]

Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Goldstücker Sanskrit-English Dictionary

Apehivāṇijā (अपेहिवाणिजा):—[bahuvrihi compound] f.

(-jā) A festival or ceremony where tradespeople are denied admission. The Gaṇaratnamahodadhi explains this word and the word ehivāṇijā as specimens of the similar formations (see the preceding and the following articles) which occur in the Gaṇa mayūravyaṃsakādi to Pāṇini Ii. 1. 72., in this manner: ehivāṇijeti yasyāṃ tithau kriyāyāṃ vā sā ehivāṇijā . kecidāyānti gacchanti vāṇijā yasyāmiti vigṛhya nipātanādehibhāvaḥ . apehi apasara vāṇijeti yasyāṃ (Ms. E. I. H. 949. vāṇije asyāṃ sic) sā apehivāṇijā . evamehisvāgatā . apehisvāgatā . ehidvitīyā . (apehidvitīyā is omitted, through carelessness, by the copyist, not by the author) . ehivighasā . apehivighasā . (ehipraghasā and apehipraghasā are omitted by the copyist, not by the author) . ehiprakasā . apehiprakasā . apehi prakasaṃ dūramiti yasyāṃ ( omitted) apehiprakasā iti śākaṭāyanaḥ. This explanation and the words enumerated (except the two latter) are in conformity with the Vārttika: apehi ca vāṇijasvāgatadvitīyavighasapraghasādibhiḥ kriyāyām, which the Kāśikā comments upon: apehyākhyātaṃ vāṇijasvāgatadvitīyavighasapraghasādibhiḥ saha samasyate . cakārādehīti ca . ehivāṇijeti yasyāṃ kriyāyāṃ sā ehivāṇijā . apehivāṇijā &c. The word apehikaṭā which occurs in the present edition of Pāṇini, and therefore in the reprint of that edition, is neither mentioned in the Gaṇar. nor in the Kāśikā and becomes doubtful when compared with such formations as āharakaraṭā, prohakaraṭā (the latter being the reading of the Kāśikā instead of prehikaṭā); the word apehivāta, although of an analogous formation, belongs to a different category, the ellipsis being probably oṣadhi or latā, and does not occur in any of the lists referring to the mentioned Gaṇa.—From the quoted comment it results that all these compounds have to be analyzed literally as meaning a kriyā or proceeding in which an injunction is uttered or implied, the component parts being originally a sentence, e. g. apehi vāṇija ‘be off tradesman’, apehi prakasam ‘go far away’ &c. and hence apehivāṇijā &c. festivals where such people are kept off or kept at a distance.—E. apehi (imper. of i with apa) and vāṇija, scil. kriyā.

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Sanskrit, also spelled संस्कृतम् (saṃskṛtam), is an ancient language of India commonly seen as the grandmother of the Indo-European language family (even English!). Closely allied with Prakrit and Pali, Sanskrit is more exhaustive in both grammar and terms and has the most extensive collection of literature in the world, greatly surpassing its sister-languages Greek and Latin.

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