Significance of Wound healing

Wound healing, as described across various traditions and sciences, encompasses multiple methods and processes aimed at restoring damaged tissues. According to Purana, it involves the use of herbal remedies like turmeric and camphor. Ayurveda broadens this definition to include medical management for animals and surgical recovery processes. Scientific perspectives emphasize the biological repair mechanisms and the role of various substances, including herbs, in enhancing healing. Ultimately, wound healing is a complex physiological process vital for recovery from injuries.

Synonyms: Tissue repair, Injury healing, Scar formation, Regeneration, Recovery

In Dutch: Wondgenezing; In Finnish: Haavojen paraneminen; In Spanish: Cicatrización de heridas

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Hindu concept of 'Wound healing'

The concept of Wound healing in scientific sources

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