Significance of Washing hands
Synonyms: Hand hygiene, Hand washing, Hand sanitization
In Dutch: Handen wassen; In German: Händewaschen; In Finnish: Käsien peseminen; In Spanish: Lavarse las manos
The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.
Hindu concept of 'Washing hands'
In Hinduism, washing hands symbolizes a crucial cleanliness practice before handling sacrificial utensils, representing spiritual discipline and ritual purity, as it involves cleansing up to the wrists prior to performing sacred acts.
From: Satapatha-brahmana
(1) A ritual act performed by the sacrificer for the fathers before beginning food offerings.[1] (2) A cleansing act performed to remove the sins and injuries from the altar during sacrifices.[2] (3) The act of cleaning oneself, specifically referenced in the context of Manu's rituals.[3]
From: Manusmriti with the Commentary of Medhatithi
(1) A ritual act of cleanliness that involves washing hands up to the wrists, considered essential before performing other acts.[4]
From: Bharadvaja-srauta-sutra
(1) A cleanliness practice that must be adhered to before handling any sacrificial utensils, reflecting the ritual's spiritual discipline.[5]
From: Garga Samhita (English)
(1) The act of cleaning one's hands, as indicated by the term 'praksalya' which refers to the process of washing.[6]
The concept of Washing hands in local and regional sources
Washing hands symbolizes purity and the completion of service, reflecting a significant cleansing act performed by the Lord after tasks, emphasizing its spiritual and ritualistic importance in various contexts.
From: Bhaktavijaya: Stories of Indian Saints
(1) The act performed by the Lord after cleaning up, symbolizing purity and the completion of service.[7]
The concept of Washing hands in scientific sources
The keyphrase "Washing hands" is highlighted as a crucial hygiene practice studied for its role in reducing the transmission of the hepatitis E virus, indicating its importance in infection control and public health.
From: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
(1) A hygiene practice evaluated in the study, particularly related to its impact on the transmission of hepatitis E virus.[8]