Significance of Washing hands

Washing hands, as described in Dharmashastra, is a vital ritual act of cleanliness that involves washing up to the wrists before engaging in any other activities. It emphasizes the importance of adhering to cleanliness practices, particularly before handling sacrificial utensils, showcasing spiritual discipline. In the context of Indian history, washing hands also symbolizes purity and the completion of service, as exemplified by an act performed by the Lord after cleaning, further underscoring its significance in ritualistic practices.1
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Synonyms: Hand hygiene, Hand washing, Hand sanitization

In Dutch: Handen wassen; In German: Händewaschen; In Finnish: Käsien peseminen; In Spanish: Lavarse las manos

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Hindu concept of 'Washing hands'

The concept of Washing hands in local and regional sources

The concept of Washing hands in scientific sources

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