Significance of Vipassana

Vipassana, a key aspect of Buddhist meditation, emphasizes clear insight and understanding of reality. This form of insight meditation allows practitioners to observe and comprehend the impermanent nature of experiences, leading to liberation from defilements. Various Buddhist traditions, including Theravada and Mahayana, recognize Vipassana as an essential practice for achieving wisdom and arahatship. By cultivating awareness and deep understanding of phenomena, Vipassana serves as a vital pathway to enlightenment and the ultimate goal of Nibbana.

Synonyms: Insight meditation, Mindfulness meditation, Contemplative meditation

In Dutch: Vipassana; In German: Vipassana; In Finnish: Vipassana; In Spanish: Vipassana

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Vipassana'

Hindu concept of 'Vipassana'

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