Significance of Vedic wisdom
Vedic wisdom is a collection of spiritual and philosophical insights derived from the ancient Vedas, forming the foundation of Hindu thought and practice. According to various interpretations, it includes knowledge about karma, previous lives, divine understanding, and essential teachings from the Vedas and the Upanishads. It is recognized in different contexts, including Vedanta, which emphasizes teachings rooted in these texts, as well as in Kavyashastra, highlighting its influence on poetry and literature. Additionally, it encompasses medical and ritual knowledge crucial to Hindu culture.
Synonyms: Hindu philosophy, Ancient knowledge, Sacred wisdom, Indian wisdom, Traditional knowledge, Spiritual insight, Sacred lore, Eternal truth
In Dutch: Vedische wijsheid; In German: Vedische Weisheit; In Finnish: Vedalainen viisaus; In Spanish: Sabiduría védica
The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.
Hindu concept of 'Vedic wisdom'
Vedic wisdom in Hinduism encompasses spiritual insights from sage Kanva, foundational knowledge from the Vedas, and teachings that influence figures like Shankaracarya and Rajashekhara, shaping Hindu philosophy, rituals, and a deeper understanding of the universe.
From: Skanda Purana
(1) The ancient knowledge encapsulated in the Vedas, which forms the basis of much of Hindu religious thought and practice.[1] (2) The spiritual and philosophical insights provided by sage Kanva, which includes details of karma and previous lives.[2]
From: Linga Purana
(1) Ancient knowledge derived from the Vedas, central in Hindu philosophy and rituals.[3]
From: Brahma Purana
(1) The knowledge encoded within the Vedas that brings understanding of the universe and the divine.[4]
From: Bhagavatpadabhyudaya by Lakshmana Suri (study)
(1) Ancient spiritual and philosophical knowledge derived from the Vedas, foundational texts in Hinduism influencing Shankara's teachings and writings.[5] (2) The traditional knowledge and teachings derived from the Vedas, which Shankaracarya firmly believed in.[6]
From: Shiva Gita (study and summary)
(1) The essential teachings and insights derived from the Vedas and Upanishads.[7]
From: Kavyamimamsa of Rajasekhara (Study)
(1) Knowledge derived from the Vedas, which Rajashekhara incorporated into his poetic theories and interpretations, showcasing the intertwined nature of poetry with Vedic literature.[8]
The concept of Vedic wisdom in local and regional sources
Vedic wisdom encompasses the ancient knowledge and spiritual understanding derived from the Vedas, considered by many as an infallible source in various philosophical discussions, emphasizing its significance in personal and intellectual growth.
From: Triveni Journal
(1) The ancient body of knowledge and spiritual insight attributed to the Vedas, regarded by some as infallible within certain philosophical discussions.[9]
The concept of Vedic wisdom in scientific sources
Vedic wisdom encompasses ancient Indian knowledge originating from Vedic texts, which underpin the rituals and practices integral to Hindu culture, highlighting its significance in spiritual and cultural traditions throughout history.
From: Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine
(1) Ancient Indian knowledge derived from Vedic texts, which form the foundation of rituals and practices in Hindu culture.[10]
From: Ayushdhara journal
(1) Ancient knowledge that encompasses spiritual, philosophical, and medical insights, serving as the foundation for concepts like Marma.[11]