Significance of Vedanasthapana
Vedanasthapana is a Sanskrit term that indicates the analgesic effect, highlighting its significance in various therapeutic contexts. It is recognized as a property that relieves pain, particularly in the efficacy of Manjistha and Vishwadi Dwadashanga Kwath. Additionally, Vedanasthapana is associated with pain alleviation through the ingredients in Dashanga Lepa, aimed at addressing inflammation-related discomfort. The term underscores the importance of pain relief in traditional medicinal practices and formulations.
Synonyms: Pain-relieving, Analgesic, Soothing, Sedative
The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.
The concept of Vedanasthapana in scientific sources
Vedanasthapana is a Sanskrit term that signifies analgesic effects and pain relief, highlighting its therapeutic importance in formulations like Manjistha, Vishwadi Dwadashanga Kwath, and Dashanga Lepa for treating inflammation-related pain.
From: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
(1) Refers to the properties of treatments aimed at relieving pain.[1] (2) A therapeutic grouping aimed at normalizing pain or discomfort within the body.[2] (3) The property of certain herbs to relieve pain, recognized in Ayurveda as vital for treatment.[3] (4) Refers to the analgesic property of certain drugs or formulations, which alleviates pain.[4] (5) The Sanskrit term for pain relieving; it refers to the medicinal plants categorized under this term, established in Ayurveda.[5]
From: Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine
(1) A therapeutic property aimed at relieving pain, noted in the discussion about the efficacy of Vishwadi Dwadashanga Kwath.[6] (2) Refers to pain alleviation; a property exhibited by ingredients in Dashanga Lepa for inflammation-related discomfort.[7] (3) A Sanskrit term indicating the analgesic effect, which is amongst the therapeutic indicators of Manjistha.[8]
From: International Ayurvedic Medical Journal
(1) A property of certain Ayurvedic formulations that alleviates pain, crucial for managing conditions like osteoarthritis.[9] (2) Pain-relieving action ascribed to specific ingredients within Dashanga gutika, important for treating symptoms of keeta damsha.[10]
From: Ayushdhara journal
(1) Refers to pain-relieving properties, relevant to the effects of Shatavaryadi Churna on symptoms experienced during Postmenopause.[11]