Significance of Vanity

Vanity is understood in various religious contexts, illustrating a theme of excessive pride and self-importance. In Tibetan Buddhism, it denotes a dismissive attitude toward contributions due to arrogance. In Vaishnavism, it manifests as celestial beings' self-importance, suggesting they possess power independently of the Supreme Lord. The Purana references Duryodhana's excessive pride, while Dharmashastra warns that vanity can diminish the effectiveness of austerity. Overall, the concept underscores the negative impact of pride across different teachings.

Synonyms: Pride, Conceit, Arrogance, Egotism, Self-importance, Narcissism, Hubris, Self-admiration, Self-absorption

In Dutch: Trots; In German: Eitelkeit; In Finnish: Turhamaisuus; In Spanish: Vanidad

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Vanity'

Hindu concept of 'Vanity'

Jain concept of 'Vanity'

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