Significance of Utmost pleasure
Utmost pleasure in Jainism is described as the peak of satisfaction attained by deva through various forms of indulgence in their affection for the devi. This satisfaction is achieved by engaging in thoughts and reflections centered on her. The concept emphasizes the significance of emotional and mental engagement in reaching this highest level of pleasure, highlighting the spiritual connection between deva and devi.
Synonyms: Highest satisfaction, Greatest delight, Supreme joy, Ultimate happiness, Extreme delight, Highest joy, Immense satisfaction, Great happiness, Supreme enjoyment
The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.
Hindu concept of 'Utmost pleasure'
In Hinduism, Utmost pleasure signifies the peak of enjoyment achieved through deep appreciation of nature's beauty, exemplified by the river, symbolizing a profound connection to the divine and fulfillment in spiritual experiences.
From: Chaitanya Bhagavata
(1) The highest level of enjoyment or delight that can be derived from the river's beauty.[1]
Jain concept of 'Utmost pleasure'
In Jainism, Utmost pleasure signifies the peak of satisfaction attained by deities through indulgence and contemplation of the divine feminine, reflecting deep emotional and spiritual connections that elevate their experience of bliss.
From: Tattvartha Sutra (with commentary)
(1) The highest level of satisfaction achieved by the deva through various means of indulgence in their affection towards the devi, including thinking and reflecting upon her.[2]