Significance of Universe

The concept of Universe in Hinduism encompasses a wide range of interpretations across various schools of thought. Key aspects include its representation as the totality of existence, the realms governed by deities like Krishna and Shiva, and the intricate connection to the Supreme during creation. Each tradition, from Vaishnavism to Vedanta, sees the Universe as an expansive cosmos, illustrating the interplay of spiritual and material realms. Ultimately, the Universe symbolizes the interconnectedness of all beings and the divine presence throughout existence.1
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Synonyms: Cosmos, Creation, Macrocosm, All that exists, Space, World.

In Dutch: Universum; In German: Universum; In Finnish: Universumi; In Spanish: Universo

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Universe'

Hindu concept of 'Universe'

The concept of Universe in local and regional sources

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