Significance of Universal spirit
The concept of Universal spirit encompasses a broad and interconnected essence that permeates all aspects of existence. According to various traditions such as Vastushastra, Purana, Ayurveda, and Vedanta, Universal spirit embodies the intelligence and ultimate consciousness that underlies reality, connecting all beings and transcending individuality. It represents both a collective mindset and a divine essence, urging individuals towards higher awareness and spiritual unity, ultimately reflecting the interconnectedness of nature, humanity, and the cosmos throughout history and culture.
Synonyms: Cosmic energy, Universal consciousness, Divine essence, Collective spirit, Higher power, Cosmic spirit, World soul, Collective consciousness
In Dutch: Universele geest; In German: Universeller Geist; In Finnish: Universaali henki; In Spanish: Espíritu universal
The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.
Hindu concept of 'Universal spirit'
In Hinduism, the Universal spirit represents an all-encompassing essence or consciousness, known as Brahman, that pervades existence, embodies divine qualities, transcends individuality, and sustains the cosmos while encouraging a pursuit of higher awareness and unity.
From: Yoga Vasistha [English], Volume 1-4
(1) The all-encompassing essence that underlies existence, urging individuals to aspire for a higher awareness.[1] (2) The singular reality that exists beyond individual identities and material manifestations.[2] (3) The underlying essence that pervades all forms of existence, contrasting with the superficial understanding fostered by ignorance.[3] (4) The overarching existence that binds all worlds and entities together, likened to the waves of the sea.[4] (5) The essence of God that possesses an infinite nature while encompassing the finite details of creation.[5]
From: Vishnu Purana
(1) The all-encompassing divine essence that Vasudeva attributes to Krishna, acknowledging him as part of the cosmic order.[6] (2) The all-pervading divine consciousness or essence believed to animate all living beings and forms within the universe.[7] (3) The essence that encompasses all beings, describing Krishna's divine nature.[8] (4) The all-encompassing essence that Krishna becomes one with after his mortal departure, representing the ultimate state of unity.[9] (5) The overarching essence of God's nature that pervades all existence and reality.[10]
From: Charaka Samhita (English translation)
(1) The omniscient, transcendent essence that is free from attachments and characteristics.[11]
From: Brahma Sutras (Ramanuja)
(1) This term suggests an overarching essence or consciousness that pervades all of existence, corresponding to the highest self or Brahman.[12]
From: Vakyapadiya of Bhartrihari
(1) The essence of oneness from which a multitude of particular entities derive, depicted as being differentiated like ocean waters.[13]
From: Vastu-shastra (Introduction to Indian architecture)
(1) A collective mindset that facilitated the revival of Brahmanism during the Gupta age, encouraging adherence to traditional values and practices.[14]
The concept of Universal spirit in local and regional sources
The Universal spirit embodies the interconnectedness of all existence, emphasizing a singular essence that links emotions, humanity, nature, and art, fostering a collective understanding of reality and spirituality across various cultural expressions.
From: Triveni Journal
(1) The essence that connects all beings, often sought by mystics, believed to embody the true nature of existence and the ultimate source of spirituality.[15] (2) A philosophical concept discussed by Tagore, referring to the ultimate reality that transcends individuality.[16] (3) The eternal essence representing the core of existence that encapsulates the entirety of history and knowledge.[17] (4) A shared essence among all forms of Art and culture that transcends individual differences and fosters a collective appreciation of beauty.[18] (5) The pervasive essence that connects all creation, as expressed in the emotional experiences articulated by poets.[19]