Significance of Unique feature

The concept of Unique feature varies across different disciplines in India. In Vastushastra, it highlights outstanding characteristics of temples. In Vaishnavism, it pertains to God's unified relationship with creation. In Ayurveda, it refers to distinctive customs in land grants. Vedanta's unique feature is the distinct characteristic of Mandukya. Mahayana Buddhism identifies Buddha Shakyamuni's distinctive traits. Indian history notes unique aspects of ancient education and Rajput paintings. In Science, it underscores the distinctive qualities of Ayurvedic texts, showcasing their uniqueness and educational value.1
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Synonyms: Distinct characteristic, Singular trait, Special quality, Individual aspect, Distinctive characteristic, Special attribute, Distinguishing mark

In Dutch: Unieke eigenschap; In German: Einzigartiges Merkmal; In Finnish: Ainutlaatuinen ominaisuus; In Spanish: Característica única

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Unique feature'

Hindu concept of 'Unique feature'

The concept of Unique feature in local and regional sources

The concept of Unique feature in scientific sources

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