Significance of Unique feature
Synonyms: Distinct characteristic, Singular trait, Special quality, Individual aspect, Distinctive characteristic, Special attribute, Distinguishing mark
In Dutch: Unieke eigenschap; In German: Einzigartiges Merkmal; In Finnish: Ainutlaatuinen ominaisuus; In Spanish: Característica única
The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.
Buddhist concept of 'Unique feature'
In Buddhism, the Unique feature signifies the four distinguishing traits of Buddha Shakyamuni, highlighting his exceptional compassion, aspirations, and the specific conditions surrounding his emergence among the thousand buddhas.
From: Bodhisattvacharyavatara
(1) Four characteristics that distinguish Buddha Shakyamuni among the thousand buddhas, relating to his compassion, aspirations, and circumstances of his appearance.[1]
Hindu concept of 'Unique feature'
The term "Unique feature" in Hinduism denotes special attributes of pilgrimage sites, distinctive temple elements, characteristics of the Mandukya Upanishad, divine unity with creation, and specific customs in land grants as noted in the Bahur plates.
From: Vastu-shastra (Introduction to Indian architecture)
(1) An outstanding characteristic of the temples where sculptured figure-subjects are present on the perforated screens between the exterior halls.[2]
From: Mandukya Upanishad (Gaudapa Karika and Shankara Bhashya)
(1) The distinctive characteristic of Mandukya, which sets it apart from other Upanishads.[3]
From: Matangalila and Hastyayurveda (study)
(1) A distinctive aspect referenced in the Bahur plates, highlighting specific customs or practices in land grants.[4]
From: Skanda Purana
(1) Refers to the special attributes of the Tirtha that set it apart as a significant pilgrimage site.[5]
From: Tiruvaymoli (Thiruvaimozhi): English translation
(1) Highlights the distinction of God's relation to creation, where He is unified with the created, unlike typical separations encountered in the material world.[6]
The concept of Unique feature in local and regional sources
The keyphrase "Unique feature" denotes distinct qualities that set the ancient Indian education system apart from others and highlights the emotional and abstract characteristics that define Rajput paintings.
From: Formal Education System in Ancient India
(1) Distinct qualities or aspects that differentiated the ancient Indian education system from others.[7]
From: Triveni Journal
(1) A distinctive characteristic of Rajput paintings, particularly in their abstract and emotional representation.[8]
The concept of Unique feature in scientific sources
The keyphrase "Unique feature" highlights distinctive characteristics of the Kashyapa Samhita, emphasizing its exclusive qualities that differentiate it from other Ayurvedic classics and enhance its value for learners in the field of Ayurveda.
From: International Ayurvedic Medical Journal
(1) Distinct qualities of the reference book that set it apart from other Ayurvedic texts and enhance its utility for learners.[9] (2) Distinctive characteristics observed in the Kashyapa Samhita that are not found in any other published Ayurvedic classics.[10]
From: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
(1) Special characteristics of Arka, such as its ability to survive in extreme climates and its applications in biofuel and biopesticides.[11]
From: The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences
(1) The increasing trend of submissions from Iranian authors, which is characterized as a distinctive aspect of the Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences.[12]