Significance of Unawareness

Unawareness, as defined in Yoga, indicates a lack of mindfulness and control over one's thoughts, resulting in mental fluctuations. In Theravada Buddhism, Unawareness is viewed as a state of oblivion that perpetuates suffering and the cycle of rebirth. It is considered a fundamental ignorance of existential truths, identified as the root cause of all evil and suffering. Both perspectives highlight the detrimental effects of Unawareness on personal growth and understanding.

Synonyms: Ignorance, Oblivion, Unmindfulness, Inattention, Negligence

In Finnish: Tietämättömyys; In Dutch: Onbewustheid

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Unawareness'

Hindu concept of 'Unawareness'

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