Significance of Ultimate destination
The concept of Ultimate destination in Vaishnavism encompasses various interpretations, primarily focusing on spiritual goals. It signifies a journey towards Heaven and divine union with the Lord, where devotees aim to awaken their true nature and fulfill their purposes. This ultimate destination includes the spiritual abode of Vaikuntha and the heartfelt connection to the Lord, ultimately achieved by the Alvar and echoed in Tiruvaranviliai. Additionally, texts from Purana and Pancaratra emphasize liberation, enlightenment, and returning to the Supreme Person, further enriching this spiritual aspiration.
Synonyms: Final destination, Ultimate goal, Final goal, End goal
In Finnish: Lopullinen määränpää; In Dutch: Ultieme bestemming; In Spanish: Destino final
The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.
Hindu concept of 'Ultimate destination'
In Hinduism, the Ultimate destination encompasses various spiritual goals, including divine union with the Lord, enlightenment, and liberation, culminating in the devotion towards Vishnu and reaching Vaikuntha, symbolizing profound spiritual fulfillment.
From: Tiruvaymoli (Thiruvaimozhi): English translation
(1) Refers to Heaven, implied as the goal of spiritual endeavors, which is claimed to be more accessible than perceived.[1] (2) The final and most desired place to reach, especially highlighting the spiritual significance of Tiruvaranviliai.[2] (3) The heart-centre of the subjects, which symbolizes a profound spiritual connection to the Lord.[3] (4) The highest spiritual goal, being a state of divine union with the Lord, culminating the Alvar's journey.[4] (5) The final goal for the Lord, which is the heart-centre of His subjects where He wishes to reside.[5]
From: Brihad Bhagavatamrita (commentary)
(1) The final spiritual goal or point of return for devotees seeking refuge in Vrajabhumi.[6] (2) The highest and most excellent place to be, referred to as the abode of Vaikuntha.[7]
From: Linga Purana
(1) The desired spiritual goal achieved by those who devote themselves to the worship of Vishnu, leading to liberation and unity with the divine.[8]
From: Skanda Purana
(1) The final goal or abode that one aspires to reach, which is characterized as the Supreme Person.[9]
From: Mahabharata (English)
(1) The final state or form to which the physical body dissolves, identified as earth.[10]
From: Narayaniya (Narayaneeyam)
(1) The final goal or understanding regarding the true essence and existence of the Purusha.[11] (2) The final spiritual goal that all beings aspire towards, symbolizing the achievement of enlightenment.[12]
The concept of Ultimate destination in local and regional sources
The keyphrase "Ultimate destination" signifies the final goal or end point in life that individuals aspire to reach, highlighting its importance in guiding personal ambitions and aspirations.
From: Triveni Journal
(1) The final goal or end point in life that one seeks to achieve.[13]