Significance of Ultimate destination

The concept of Ultimate destination in Vaishnavism encompasses various interpretations, primarily focusing on spiritual goals. It signifies a journey towards Heaven and divine union with the Lord, where devotees aim to awaken their true nature and fulfill their purposes. This ultimate destination includes the spiritual abode of Vaikuntha and the heartfelt connection to the Lord, ultimately achieved by the Alvar and echoed in Tiruvaranviliai. Additionally, texts from Purana and Pancaratra emphasize liberation, enlightenment, and returning to the Supreme Person, further enriching this spiritual aspiration.

Synonyms: Final destination, Ultimate goal, Final goal, End goal

In Finnish: Lopullinen määränpää; In Dutch: Ultieme bestemming; In Spanish: Destino final

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Hindu concept of 'Ultimate destination'

The concept of Ultimate destination in local and regional sources

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