Significance of Ultimate bliss

Ultimate bliss is defined across various spiritual traditions, encapsulating the concept of the highest form of happiness and fulfillment achievable through spiritual liberation. In Jainism, it signifies the joy attained upon liberation from karmic bondage. Vaishnavism highlights the joy experienced in divine service, while Purana emphasizes ecstasy through realization of God. Yoga associates it with perfect joy after moksha, and Vedanta describes it as unity with Parabrahman. In Shaivism and Pancaratra, ultimate bliss represents profound fulfillment and liberation, echoed in Mahayana as the state of nirvana.

Synonyms: Supreme happiness, Perfect contentment, Perfect joy, Pure delight

In Dutch: Ultieme gelukzaligheid; In German: Ultimative Glückseligkeit; In Finnish: Lopullinen autuus; In Spanish: Felicidad suprema

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Ultimate bliss'

Hindu concept of 'Ultimate bliss'

Jain concept of 'Ultimate bliss'

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