Significance of Trunk

The term "trunk" holds varied interpretations across different disciplines. In Vaishnavism, it refers to the part of the elephant that Krishna grasped, which is essential for understanding the associated actions. Vedanta views the trunk as the central support of bird imagery, symbolizing the essence of spiritual identity. Meanwhile, in science, the trunk is defined as the central portion of the body, known as Madhya Sharir or Antradhi in Ayurveda, and is a focal point in anatomical studies.1
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Synonyms: Body, Main part, Tree trunk, Chest, Core

In Finnish: Runko; In Dutch: Kofferbak; In Spanish: Trompa

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Hindu concept of 'Trunk'

The concept of Trunk in scientific sources

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