Significance of True love

True love is defined across various traditions and narratives, encompassing genuine affection, mutual feelings, and selfless connections. In South Asian perspective, it ranges from the deep bond between royal figures to devotion towards the divine in Vaishnavism and Vedanta. Puranic interpretations emphasize love's transformative power and spiritual pursuit, while Mahayana describes it as desire-free. Historical contexts reveal true love as a resilient emotional connection that transcends societal barriers, embodying ideals of respect, sacrifice, and fulfillment, ultimately highlighting love's profound significance in human relationships.

Synonyms: Genuine affection, Authentic love, Deep affection, Sincere love, Real love, Heartfelt love, Genuine love, True affection

In Dutch: Ware liefde; In German: Wahre Liebe; In Finnish: Todellinen rakkaus; In Spanish: Amor verdadero

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'True love'

Hindu concept of 'True love'

The concept of True love in local and regional sources

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