Significance of True faith

True faith, as explored through various philosophical and religious traditions, embodies a genuine belief system that promotes ethical behavior, spiritual growth, and liberation. In Jainism, it emphasizes the importance of understanding and adherence to teachings against differing interpretations. In Purana, it highlights sincere devotion, especially towards Vishnu. Yoga presents it as open to questioning, while Vaisheshika views it as a motivator for truth-seeking. Mahayana and Theravada articulate it as clarity in understanding leading to wisdom, enlightenment, and virtuous living.

Synonyms: Sincere faith, Real faith, Belief, Conviction, Trust, Confidence, Assurance, Certitude

In Dutch: Waar geloof; In German: Wahrer Glaube; In Finnish: Todellinen usko; In Spanish: Fe verdadera

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'True faith'

Hindu concept of 'True faith'

Jain concept of 'True faith'

The concept of True faith in local and regional sources

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