Significance of Trickery

Trickery is a significant theme across various texts and traditions. In Jainism, it is marked by deceitful methods, such as those used by Vasubhuti and Ravana's brothers. South Asian narratives often employ trickery as a means to achieve financial success. In the Purana, characters like Madhu utilize illusions to confuse others. Kavya emphasizes clever deceptions as central to character motivations, while Mahayana highlights cunning methods used for personal advantage. Overall, trickery serves as a device for achieving various goals across these narratives.

Synonyms: Deception, Deceit, Cunning, Guile, Trick, Subterfuge, Artifice, Duplicity

In Dutch: Bedrog; In German: Trickserei; In Finnish: Huijaus; In Spanish: Astucia

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Trickery'

Hindu concept of 'Trickery'

Jain concept of 'Trickery'

The concept of Trickery in local and regional sources

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