Significance of Trial

Trial, as defined in South Asia and Dharmashastra, encompasses the judicial process of resolving disputes. It involves events post-capture of youths and thieves for judgment on their actions and the servant's quest for resolution over a horse's ownership. The term further refers to the legal process of adjudicating disputes, which includes presenting evidence, examining witnesses, and allowing arguments from both parties, highlighting its significance in maintaining justice and order within society.

Synonyms: Experiment, Assessment, Examination, Analysis, Hearing, Pilot

In Dutch: Proces; In German: Versuch; In Finnish: Oikeudenkäynti; In Spanish: Ensayo

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Trial'

Hindu concept of 'Trial'

The concept of Trial in local and regional sources

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