Significance of Transparency
Transparency is defined in two contexts according to Purana and Science. In Purana, it symbolizes the pure, unconditioned state of the true self, devoid of egoism. In contrast, Science describes transparency as a visual characteristic of buccal films that reflects their clarity and quality after production. Additionally, it pertains to the ability of a mineral to permit light passage and the clarity measurement of films via UV spectrophotometry, illustrating its relevance in both spiritual and scientific domains.
Synonyms: Openness, Clarity, Frankness, Honesty
In Dutch: Transparantie; In Finnish: Läpinäkyvyys; In Spanish: Transparencia
The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.
Hindu concept of 'Transparency'
In Hinduism, Transparency symbolizes the untainted essence of the true self, depicting a state devoid of egoism and impurities, reflecting purity and clarity in one's spiritual identity.
From: Yoga Vasistha [English], Volume 1-4
(1) A metaphor for the pure, unconditioned state of the true self, free from egoism.[1]
The concept of Transparency in scientific sources
Transparency, in this context, pertains to the measurement of a film's clarity, assessed through UV spectrophotometry, which evaluates how much light is transmitted through the film, reflecting its quality and purity.
From: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
(1) A visual characteristic of the buccal films indicating their clarity and quality after preparation.[2] (2) Measurement of a film's clarity, which can be determined using UV spectrophotometry.[3]
From: Ayushdhara journal
(1) The extent to which a mineral allows light to pass through it.[4]