Significance of Transcendent power
Transcendent power in Mahayana Buddhism refers to extraordinary spiritual abilities developed through deep meditation and practice. Bodhisattvas, like Avalokiteshvara and Gadgadasvara, demonstrate these powers through remarkable acts such as protection of sentient beings and miraculous transformations. This concept emphasizes the supernatural capabilities that enable these enlightened beings to alleviate suffering and perform significant feats, showcasing their commitment to aiding others. Examples include the remarkable abilities exhibited by figures like Vimalagarbha and Vimalanetra as well.
Synonyms: Divine power, Extraordinary power, Supreme power, Exceptional power, Supernatural power, Divine force, Supreme energy, Supernatural strength, Ultimate authority
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Buddhist concept of 'Transcendent power'
Transcendent power in Buddhism encompasses special and supernatural abilities exhibited by Bodhisattvas, enabling them to perform miraculous feats, restore, protect sentient beings, and transform through deep meditation and spiritual practice.
From: Lotus Sutra
(1) Extraordinary abilities that can be cultivated through deep meditation and insight, often associated with enlightened beings.[1] (2) Extraordinary abilities associated with the Buddhas, indicative of their enlightened state and profound understanding of reality.[2] (3) Extraordinary abilities exhibited by the Buddha and other enlightened beings intended to inspire and enlighten sentient beings.[3] (4) Special abilities that arise from deep understanding and realization on the spiritual path leading to enlightenment.[4] (5) Special abilities exhibited by Vimalagarbha and Vimalanetra to perform miraculous feats.[5]