Significance of Traditional Chinese medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a holistic system originating in China, integrating herbal remedies, acupuncture, and lifestyle practices to maintain balance and promote health. TCM emphasizes the use of natural substances, including various plants, for therapeutic purposes. It has been historically significant, effectively addressing health issues, including those during epidemics like SARS and COVID-19. This ancient medical system draws parallels with Ayurveda in its approach to treatment, utilizing a comprehensive understanding of health and illness through natural methods and practices.

Synonyms: Chinese herbal medicine, Acupuncture, Holistic medicine, Alternative medicine, Eastern medicine, Herbal medicine, Ancient chinese medicine

In Dutch: Traditionele Chinese geneeskunde; In Finnish: Perinteinen kiinalainen lääketiede; In Spanish: Medicina tradicional china

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Hindu concept of 'Traditional Chinese medicine'

The concept of Traditional Chinese medicine in scientific sources

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