Significance of Tirthankara

In Jainism, Tirthankara refers to revered spiritual teachers who have attained enlightenment and guide others on the path to liberation. These figures include the 24 acknowledged teachers, whose teachings and practices help followers navigate the cycle of existence. Tirthankaras are recognized for their role in establishing ethical doctrines and spiritual orders, marking their importance in the tradition. The birth of a Tirthankara is often celebrated through prophetic dreams and signifies a significant spiritual role within Jainism.1
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Synonyms: Jina, Tirtha, Spiritual teacher, Enlightened being, Spiritual guide, Savior

In Dutch: Tirthankara; In German: Tirthankara; In Finnish: Tirthankara; In Spanish: Tirthankara

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Hindu concept of 'Tirthankara'

Jain concept of 'Tirthankara'

The concept of Tirthankara in local and regional sources

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