Significance of Three parts

The concept of Three parts appears across various philosophies and religions. In Hinduism, it includes divisions in sacrificial altars and the classification among gods. Jainism refers to sections of Jambudvipa Meru, while Tibetan Buddhism highlights structured teachings and commitments. Vaishnavism focuses on the divisions in the Shri Caitanya-bhagavata, and Purana outlines ritual cleanliness and spiritual qualities. Vedanta discusses elements of food and fire, Dharmashastra categorizes the day and stomach, and Rasashastra emphasizes specific ingredient proportions.1
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Synonyms: Triplet, Triad, Three divisions, Three components

In Dutch: Drie delen; In German: Drei Teile; In Finnish: Kolme osaa; In Spanish: Tres partes

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Three parts'

Hindu concept of 'Three parts'

Jain concept of 'Three parts'

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