Significance of Three elements

The keyphrase "Three elements" encompasses various interpretations across different philosophical contexts within Indian traditions. In Vaishnavism, it refers to components of the body like mucus, bile, and air. Purana connects it to effort and the fundamental elements of earth, water, and fire. Natyashastra emphasizes bodily gestures, while Yoga highlights the physical body, senses, and external objects. Vedanta discusses qualities of Goodness, Passion, and Darkness, and in Mahayana, it links to the noble eightfold path. Overall, the concept is integral in understanding diverse aspects of existence and philosophy.

Synonyms: Triplet, Triad, Triplication, Threefold

In Dutch: Drie elementen; In German: Drei Elemente; In Finnish: Kolme elementtiä; In Spanish: Tres elementos

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Three elements'

Hindu concept of 'Three elements'

The concept of Three elements in local and regional sources

The concept of Three elements in scientific sources

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