Significance of Thirst

Thirst is a multifaceted concept across various philosophical and religious traditions. In Jainism, it reflects both physical needs and a monk's struggle with longing. Vaishnavism views thirst as both a physical craving and a metaphor for spiritual connection. Ayurveda categorizes it into five types linked to bodily humors. Mahayana Buddhism sees thirst as a metaphor for desire that results in suffering, while Theravada relates it to cravings for spiritual nourishment. Overall, thirst symbolizes significant cravings and attachments influencing human experience.

Synonyms: Hunger, Craving, Desire, Yearning, Longing, Appetite, Dryness

In Dutch: Dorst; In German: Durst; In Finnish: Jano; In Spanish: Sed

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Thirst'

Hindu concept of 'Thirst'

Jain concept of 'Thirst'

The concept of Thirst in scientific sources

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