Significance of Therapeutic effect

The therapeutic effect encompasses the beneficial outcomes associated with various treatments and medicinal substances across multiple disciplines. Purana and Ayurveda highlight the advantages of herbal medicines and medicated therapies, while Rasashastra and Mahayana emphasize the positive impact of specific interventions on health. Scientific perspectives include the effects of treatments like leech therapy and herbal formulations on conditions such as inflammation and digestive health. Overall, the therapeutic effect signifies the intended benefits resulting from the administration of treatments aimed at improving health and alleviating symptoms.

Synonyms: Healing effect, Curative effect, Therapeutic benefit, Health improvement, Beneficial effect, Restorative effect

In Dutch: Therapeutisch effect; In German: Therapeutische Wirkung; In Finnish: Terapeuttinen vaikutus; In Spanish: Efecto terapéutico

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Therapeutic effect'

Hindu concept of 'Therapeutic effect'

The concept of Therapeutic effect in local and regional sources

The concept of Therapeutic effect in scientific sources

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