Significance of Tetracycline HCl
Tetracycline HCl is an antibiotic that serves multiple purposes in medical applications. It is used as a standard comparator to evaluate the antibacterial efficacy of Cinnamomum Burmanii stem bark extract and aids in root conditioning for surgical procedures. Additionally, it effectively improves root conditioning by removing the smear layer and enhancing fibroblast attachment, highlighting its important role in dental and surgical practices.
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The concept of Tetracycline HCl in scientific sources
Tetracycline HCl is an antimicrobial agent that aids in root conditioning by removing the smear layer, enhancing fibroblast attachment, and is also used as a standard comparator for assessing the antibacterial properties of Cinnamomum Burmanii.
From: Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology
(1) An antibiotic used in a specific concentration to condition root surfaces and promote dentin tubule exposure while maintaining antimicrobial properties.[1] (2) An antimicrobial agent used in the study, tested at concentrations of 10 mg/ml and 50 mg/ml for its effectiveness in treating chronic periodontitis.[2] (3) An antibiotic used in root conditioning to prepare the root surfaces for surgical procedures.[3] (4) An antimicrobial agent found to be effective in improving root conditioning by removing smear layer and enhancing fibroblast attachment.[4]
From: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
(1) An antibiotic used as a standard comparator in evaluating the antibacterial activity of Cinnamomum Burmanii stem bark extract.[5]