Significance of Takshashila

Takshashila, according to Ayurveda and historical accounts, refers to an ancient university located west of Rawalpindi, recognized for its prominent role in education in Aryavarta. It is noted as a significant center of learning during the Buddhist period, attracting students for higher education on various subjects. Additionally, Takshashila has ties to notable figures and events, including associations with the naga-king Elapatra and references to the bodhisattva's studies, thus enriching its historical and cultural significance.

In Dutch: Takshashila; In German: Takshashila; In Finnish: Takshashila; In Spanish: Takshashila

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Takshashila'

Hindu concept of 'Takshashila'

The concept of Takshashila in local and regional sources

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