Significance of System

In Tibetan Buddhism, the term "System" encompasses various aspects, including the teachings and principles conveyed by great scholars, the specific instructions from king pad ma dkar po to acarya Kalacakrapada, and the structured framework that underlies these doctrines. It also reflects the organized teachings and practices within Buddhism, particularly in the Kalacakra tradition. Additionally, in Shilpashastra, "System" refers to the structured methodology of spiritual practice as detailed in the Agama and Tantra.1
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Synonyms: Structure, Arrangement, Organization, Network, Configuration

In Dutch: Systeem; In Finnish: Järjestelmä; In Spanish: Sistema

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'System'

Hindu concept of 'System'

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