Significance of Symptoms of disease
Symptoms of disease, as defined in Ayurveda, encompass various physical and mental signs indicative of illnesses, particularly those affecting the head and gynecic areas. They may appear independently or alongside other conditions. In contrast, scientific definitions focus on visible indicators that assist in diagnosing health issues, such as those found in urine analysis and clinical manifestations of specific diseases like psoriasis. Both perspectives emphasize the importance of recognizing symptoms for effective diagnosis and treatment planning.
Synonyms: Signs of illness, Warning signs, Evidence, Marks
In Spanish: Síntomas de la enfermedad; In Dutch: Symptomen van ziekte; In Finnish: Taudin oireet
The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.
Hindu concept of 'Symptoms of disease'
In Hinduism, Symptoms of disease encompass signs of gynecic issues, physical or mental indicators studied in Ayurveda, specific signs related to head ailments, and independent indicators suggesting various diseases or associated conditions.
From: Charaka Samhita (English translation)
(1) Indicators that can suggest the presence of different diseases; they may also appear independently or as a part of another condition.[1] (2) The manifestations or signs that indicate the presence of gynecic ailments.[2]
From: Sushruta Samhita, Volume 6: Uttara-tantra
(1) Indications or signs that are characteristics of illnesses particular to the head region.[3]
From: Sushruta Samhita, volume 1: Sutrasthana
(1) The physical or mental signs indicating the presence of a particular illness, studied systematically in Ayurveda.[4]
The concept of Symptoms of disease in scientific sources
Symptoms of disease include clinical manifestations like itching and skin plaques in psoriasis. These indicators are crucial for diagnosing and planning effective treatment for the specific disease.
From: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
(1) Indications such as shirorog, adhman, which can arise from the act of vegadharan.[5] (2) Signs and characteristics of a disease, which may sometimes only indicate a condition rather than being the disease itself.[6] (3) Visible indicators or signs that help in diagnosing health conditions, which can also be observed preliminarily through urine analysis.[7] (4) Clinical manifestations characteristic of Psoriasis, including itching and the presence of plaques on the skin.[8] (5) Indicators that characterize a particular disease, which help in diagnosis and treatment planning.[9]
From: Ayushdhara journal
(1) Physical signs experienced by individuals such as excessive discharge and hoarseness of voice during cough episodes.[10]