Significance of Symbolic representation

Symbolic representation across various traditions and practices serves to convey deeper meanings and insights beyond the literal interpretations. In Tibetan Buddhism, it involves creating effigies and images to symbolize victims during rituals. Vaishnavism emphasizes figures that reveal profound meanings, while Natyashastra illustrates dramatized symbols that reflect socio-political commentary. Ayurveda uses mythical symbolism linked to elephants, while Vedanta conceptualizes abstract ideas through tangible forms. Additionally, Indian history highlights the role of symbols in art, literature, and performance to communicate complex ideas and emotional depth.1
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Synonyms: Figurative representation, Metaphorical representation, Symbol, Sign

In Dutch: Symbolische representatie; In German: Symbolische Darstellung; In Finnish: Symbolinen esitys; In Spanish: Representación simbólica

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Symbolic representation'

Hindu concept of 'Symbolic representation'

The concept of Symbolic representation in local and regional sources

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