Significance of Sustained effort

Sustained effort is defined across various perspectives. In Vedanta, it involves continuous energy and willpower essential for success in any field, overcoming weaknesses. Theravada emphasizes sustained effort as a long-term commitment necessary for achieving goals in concentration practices. Additionally, from a historical viewpoint in India, sustained effort encompasses ongoing attempts or initiatives aimed at bridging gaps and resolving cultural issues. Each perspective underscores the importance of endurance and continuous action in achieving success and addressing challenges.

Synonyms: Persistent effort, Steady effort, Continuous effort

In Dutch: Volgehouden inspanning; In Finnish: Jatkuva yritys; In Spanish: Esfuerzo sostenido

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Sustained effort'

Hindu concept of 'Sustained effort'

The concept of Sustained effort in local and regional sources

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