Significance of Surgical treatment
Surgical treatment encompasses a range of medical interventions involving operations performed by healthcare professionals to address various health conditions. This includes procedures for managing severe cases like cancer, urolithiasis, or complicated wounds, and aims to alleviate or cure diseases through techniques such as excision, incision, and closure. In Ayurveda and other traditional practices, surgical treatment is seen as a vital component, even if compared less favorably to chemical therapies. Overall, surgical treatment is essential for conditions requiring definitive medical intervention.
Synonyms: Surgical procedure, Surgical intervention, Operative treatment, Surgical operation, Surgical therapy, Operation, Surgery
In Dutch: Chirurgische behandeling; In Finnish: Kirurginen hoito; In Spanish: Tratamiento quirúrgico
The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.
Hindu concept of 'Surgical treatment'
In Hinduism, surgical treatment encompasses various medical interventions, from addressing severe physical ailments to metaphorically relating surgery to spiritual healing, highlighting its diverse applications in both human and animal care.
From: Sushruta Samhita, Volume 6: Uttara-tantra
(1) Medical procedures involving incisions made by a surgeon to treat diseases.[1] (2) A specific intervention involving a carefully planned incision in the eyelid to address Pakshma-kopa.[2] (3) The medical interventions that involve operations to treat cataracts and other eye conditions, requiring precise techniques.[3]
From: Bhesajjakkhandhaka (Chapter on Medicine)
(1) The application of surgery as a mode of treatment for alleviating or curing health issues, often linked to serious conditions.[4] (2) Medical care procedures involving surgery to address diseases, such as incision for carbuncles.[5] (3) A type of medical intervention that involves surgery, used in the management of diseases in neurosurgery.[6]
From: Sushruta Samhita, volume 4: Cikitsasthana
(1) Medical practices involving procedures to treat wounds, including suturing and applying bandages.[7] (2) The intervention required for certain types of Udara when medical treatment is insufficient due to the severity of the condition.[8]
From: Sushruta Samhita, Volume 5: Kalpasthana
(1) Procedures involving surgical intervention to treat severe cases of insect and spider bites.[9]
From: Matangalila and Hastyayurveda (study)
(1) Section focusing on surgical procedures related to elephants, including diagnosis and managing injuries or ailments.[10]
From: Rasa Jala Nidhi, vol 1: Initiation, Mercury and Laboratory
(1) Medical interventions involving surgery, which were viewed as less important compared to chemical treatments in ancient Indian medicine.[11]
From: Tiruvaymoli (Thiruvaimozhi): English translation
(1) Metaphorically compares the spiritual process of leaving the material body to a medical procedure undertaken for healing.[12]
The concept of Surgical treatment in scientific sources
Surgical treatment encompasses various intervention methods, including procedures for varicose ulcers, urinary stones, Kurpara Marmaghata, varicose veins, cholecystectomy for gallbladder issues, hip replacements for avascular necrosis, and hemorrhoid management.
From: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
(1) Invasive options for addressing anatomical issues contributing to allergic rhinitis, such as removal of septic foci and correction of deviated nasal septum.[13] (2) Medical interventions that involve surgical methods as opposed to non-surgical approaches, such as anal dilatation.[14] (3) Describes the general surgical procedures for managing Bhagandara, which include incisions, probing, excision, and cauterization according to Sushruta's guidelines.[15] (4) Procedures performed to surgically address issues arising from BPH, including methods like open prostatectomy and transurethral resection.[16] (5) Medical interventions involving the operation to remove tumors or cancerous tissue, which may be enhanced by Ayurvedic treatments.[17]
From: International Ayurvedic Medical Journal
(1) Interventional procedures performed to address chronic cervicitis, including diathermy cauterization and hysterectomy, when other therapies are insufficient.[18] (2) Modern medical procedures, including surgeries like tubal reconstructive surgery, aimed at resolving infertility caused by tubal obstruction.[19] (3) Interventions performed to address medical conditions like mutrashmari, requiring precise knowledge regarding the anatomical structures involved.[20] (4) A method of treating medical conditions that involves operative procedures to restore health or function.[21] (5) Procedures performed to correct rectal prolapse, with a noted low success rate and high chances of recurrence.[22]
From: Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology
(1) Surgical treatment refers to invasive procedures performed to address dental conditions such as peri-implantitis, often combining techniques like flap surgery and the use of regenerative materials.[23] (2) Medical interventions that involve cutting into tissues to treat diseases or conditions, often used in dental procedures for serious cases.[24] (3) The application of surgical techniques to manage conditions affecting the periodontium, including gingival recession.[25] (4) Intervention performed to remove localized hyperplastic gingival outgrowths, including methods such as excision and conventional flap surgery.[26] (5) Advanced dental procedures that involve surgery, which a minority of patients may require.[27]
From: The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences
(1) Procedures involving cutting or stitching related to eye injuries, with a reported number of cases during the study period.[28] (2) The application of medical procedures intended to correct or manage anal fistulas through techniques such as cutting seton.[29] (3) Surgical treatment, such as shunt placement, only temporarily alleviates reactive astrocytosis in hydrocephalic models and does not fully reverse the process.[30] (4) An intervention involving surgery to address a medical condition, such as the removal of a tumor or stabilization of the spine.[31] (5) Interventions required for resistant cases of sialocoele that do not respond to conservative management.[32]
From: Ayushdhara journal
(1) Operative procedures indicated for severe cases of lumbar spondylosis when conservative treatments fail.[33] (2) The procedure performed to remove large Ashmari; success can often be uncertain.[34] (3) Invasive procedures used to treat Bhagandara, which can lead to a higher incidence of complications and require longer recovery times compared to Ayurvedic methods like Kshara Sutra.[35] (4) Surgical treatment indicates medical procedures performed to alleviate health conditions, which may become necessary for patients with untreated Asrigdara.[36] (5) Medical procedures performed to correct structural problems related to cervical spondylosis when conservative treatment fails.[37]
From: Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine
(1) Medical procedures involving surgery that are used to treat varicose veins in more severe cases.[38] (2) The primary treatment modality for cholelithiasis, which involves the surgical removal of the gallbladder, known as cholecystectomy.[39] (3) Surgical treatments refer to various surgical procedures applied when necessary for the removal of urinary stones, which can include techniques like nephrolithotomy.[40] (4) A medical intervention that may be required for severe stages of Avascular necrosis, including total hip replacement.[41]
From: Ancient Science of Life
(1) Nimi's tantra includes various surgical procedures for treating eye conditions, notably the operation for cataract which was first performed in India.[42] (2) Medical procedures that in Ayurveda should be tailored to the patient's Prakrti for improved outcomes.[43] (3) Although not detailed within this review, references to treatments may imply surgical interventions in various conditions discussed.[44]
From: AYU (Journal of Research in Ayurveda)
(1) A medical procedure that may be considered for managing severe cases of hemorrhoids, though it is cautioned against if complications like thrombosis are present.[45] (2) Surgical treatment refers to the medical interventions intended to repair injury or deformity associated with Kurpara Marmaghata, though some disabilities may persist.[46]