Significance of Surgical technique
Surgical technique in Ayurveda encompasses various medical procedures practiced since ancient times, including those documented in the Sushruta Samhita, such as incision, suturing, and trepanation. It reflects the methodologies employed for surgical interventions aimed at treating conditions and promoting healing. Similarly, the modern understanding of surgical techniques involves a range of methods specifically designed to address various health issues, highlighting the evolution and adaptation of surgical practices from historical roots to contemporary applications.
Synonyms: Surgical method, Surgical procedure, Operative technique, Surgical practice, Surgical intervention, Surgical approach, Operative procedure
In Dutch: Chirurgische techniek; In Finnish: Kirurginen tekniikka; In Spanish: Técnica quirúrgica
The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.
Hindu concept of 'Surgical technique'
Surgical technique in Hinduism encompasses diverse interventions detailed in Ayurvedic texts like the Sushruta Samhita, includes ancient practices like trepanation, and covers methodologies such as incision and suturing, reflecting the evolution of surgical knowledge.
From: Bhesajjakkhandhaka (Chapter on Medicine)
(1) Methods of surgical intervention as discussed in the Ayurvedic texts, particularly in the Sushruta Samhita.[1] (2) Practical medical procedures such as bone-setting and cauterization that were also used by healers during the Vedic period.[2] (3) Medical procedures, such as trepanation, that may have been practiced during the Indus Valley Civilisation, indicated by skeletal remains showing signs of such interventions.[3] (4) Methods used for performing surgeries, which were referenced as uncertain during the pre-Vedic phase of medicine.[4]
From: Sushruta Samhita, volume 1: Sutrasthana
(1) Methodologies for performing surgery, including incision and suturing, extensively covered in the Sushruta Samhita.[5]
The concept of Surgical technique in scientific sources
Surgical technique encompasses methods for managing fractures through closed reduction, historical and evolving surgical practices, and specific interventions like vistravana karma from Ayurveda, illustrating its diverse applications in treating various health conditions.
From: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
(1) Advancements and methods in surgery that help improve patient outcomes in medical conditions like Fournier’s gangrene.[6] (2) Methods and practices utilized during surgery to effectively perform procedures with minimal risk and optimal patient outcomes.[7] (3) Operations or procedures performed to treat fractures and dislocations as part of a comprehensive management strategy.[8] (4) Methods related to the physical removal of cancerous tissues, contrasting with chemotherapy and radiotherapy.[9] (5) Methods employed in modern medicine to treat pilonidal sinus, which may include excision and primary closure or reconstruction flap, often associated with higher recurrence rates.[10]
From: Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology
(1) Surgical techniques refer to the various methods used for bone augmentation and implant placement, which can significantly impact the outcomes of implant treatments.[11] (2) The method employed during the surgical insertion of dental implants, which may affect their long-term success.[12] (3) Specific methods employed during dental surgery, such as incisions and suturing, which can be practiced using the Vanperio model.[13] (4) Various methods employed in dentistry to address problems related to tooth impaction.[14] (5) Surgical techniques pertain to the methods used during surgical interventions, which can vary in their effectiveness when treating conditions like peri-implantitis.[15]
From: International Ayurvedic Medical Journal
(1) Various methods available for surgical intervention in managing fistula in Ano.[16] (2) Procedures that may be influenced by the anatomical and pathological considerations detailed in the study, especially concerning the carotid region.[17] (3) Medical procedures directed at the treatment of conditions or injuries through operative methods.[18] (4) Procedures and methods used in surgery that have been documented since ancient times and continue to evolve in modern medicine.[19] (5) Medical interventions and procedures employed to treat various health conditions, among which vistravana karma is a historic Ayurvedic technique mentioned in the context of vitiligo treatment.[20]
From: Ancient Science of Life
(1) Medical procedures employed in Allopathy designed to treat various health conditions through operative interventions.[21] (2) The specific methods and procedures employed during surgery to achieve the best possible outcomes.[22] (3) Methods employed in surgery, such as fistulectomy or fistulotomy, for treating fistula in ano.[23] (4) Various methods employed to surgically treat anal fistulas, including fistulotomy and primary fistulectomy.[24] (5) A method or procedure used in surgery, especially relating to the incision, drainage, and ligation employed for managing conditions like horse-shoe fistula.[25]
From: The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences
(1) Methods described to correct penile paraffinoma, which include simple excision biopsy, single-stage excision of circumferential granuloma with scrotal flap reconstruction, and dual-stage excision of circumferential granuloma.[26] (2) Surgical technique refers to the specific methods and skills employed by surgeons during the cranioplasty procedure to achieve optimal outcomes and minimize complications.[27] (3) Methods employed during surgical procedures, including advancements in orthopaedic and plastic surgery that improve safety and effectiveness.[28]
From: Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine
(1) Methods such as submucosal diathermy and laser therapy, used to treat nasal obstruction but may not provide long-term benefits.[29]
From: AYU (Journal of Research in Ayurveda)
(1) Methods that have improved over time to reduce fracture healing periods, used in conjunction with treatments like C. quadrangularis.[30]
From: Ayushdhara journal
(1) Methods employed in surgical procedures to treat conditions, which can include techniques like haemorrhoidectomy and rubber band ligation.[31]
From: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine
(1) Various methods employed in operative procedures for resolving medical conditions such as fistula-in-ano.[32]