Significance of Surgical Procedure
Surgical Procedure, according to Ayurveda and science, encompasses various medical interventions aimed at treating a wide range of conditions. In Ayurveda, it includes techniques for urinary disorders, wound care, and eye disease treatments. Science defines it as medical operations involving tissue manipulation, such as incisions and core surgical techniques used for both dental and general surgery. Additionally, it highlights methods for chronic conditions, innovative treatments, and detailed approaches as described in traditional texts like Sushruta Samhita.
Synonyms: Surgical operation, Surgery, Medical procedure, Surgical intervention, Surgical technique, Operation
In Dutch: Chirurgische ingreep; In Finnish: Kirurginen toimenpide; In Spanish: Procedimiento quirúrgico
The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.
Hindu concept of 'Surgical Procedure'
In Hinduism, Surgical Procedure encompasses medical operations for eye diseases, techniques for wound healing like incision and suturing, and interventions for inflammatory urinary conditions, highlighting an ancient understanding of medical practices.
From: Bhesajjakkhandhaka (Chapter on Medicine)
(1) Various techniques employed during wound treatment such as incision, drainage, and suturing.[1] (2) Medical operations including puncture, excision, and scraping performed to treat eye diseases.[2]
From: Charaka Samhita (English translation)
(1) Medical interventions described for treating inflammatory conditions associated with urinary disorders.[3]
The concept of Surgical Procedure in scientific sources
Surgical Procedure encompasses various medical operations, including ancient techniques for cataracts, modern interventions for stricture urethra and kidney stones, and unique methods employing honey for wound care, often necessitating anesthesia and carrying inherent risks.
From: Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology
(1) The operations performed on patients, especially within the context of dental implant placement and bone augmentation techniques.[4] (2) Medical interventions that may be performed to correct issues with vestibular depth or treat gingival recession.[5] (3) A series of medical interventions carried out for tooth extraction, socket debridement, and graft preparation.[6] (4) Operations typically performed with the objective of diagnosis or treatment, including the use of tools like lasers and scalpels.[7] (5) A technical operation performed in the mouth with the aim of correcting periodontal defects.[8]
From: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
(1) Medical operations used to address varicose ulcers when other treatments are ineffective, including techniques like sclerotherapy and laser therapy.[9] (2) A medical operation performed to treat a condition or deliver a child, with caesarean section being a specific type.[10] (3) Medical methods involving surgery to treat conditions, particularly coronary artery disease in this context.[11] (4) A medical operation in which knowledge of Marma points is crucial, as errors can lead to severe complications or patient death.[12] (5) Specific methods of conducting surgical interventions as detailed in the Sushruta Samhita, including types like excision and suturing.[13]
From: International Ayurvedic Medical Journal
(1) Any operation performed to treat a medical condition, including the techniques suggested by Acharya Sushruta for managing Arsha.[14] (2) Medical interventions during which knowledge of Marma areas is crucial to prevent injuries and complications.[15] (3) Medical interventions typically considered for urolithiasis but noted to be expensive and not always necessary, highlighting the importance of alternative treatments.[16] (4) Techniques and methods pioneered by Acharya Sushruta, outlined in his classical work.[17] (5) Medical operations that involve physical intervention, sometimes necessary for treating conditions like ascites.[18]
From: The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences
(1) Refers to the specific operation performed, such as adenotonsillectomy, which can contribute to emergence agitation based on its complexity and requirements.[19] (2) A medical operation involving the removal or alteration of body tissue, in this case referring to the removal of kidney stones.[20] (3) Medical operations carried out on patients, including both elective surgeries and emergency surgeries, often related to various health conditions like tumors.[21] (4) Operations performed by surgeons to treat diseases or conditions, often necessitating rapid pathology services for quick diagnosis.[22] (5) Medical operations involving manipulation of nerves and structures in the infratemporal region, with considerations for potential anomalies.[23]
From: Ayushdhara journal
(1) Specific interventions or operations performed by surgeons to treat various medical conditions or injuries.[24] (2) Medical operations involving incisions or manipulation of tissues, which some patients may fear or be unfit for, leading them to seek alternatives like leech therapy.[25] (3) Techniques and methods used for the operation of removing urinary stones, necessitated when non-invasive methods fail.[26] (4) Methods such as turbinectomy, septoplasty, or adenoidectomy utilized to alleviate nasal obstruction due to anatomical issues.[27] (5) Various techniques and methods of performing surgeries as described in Sushruta Samhita.[28]
From: AYU (Journal of Research in Ayurveda)
(1) Medical interventions to treat stricture urethra, but they carry risks such as complications and limitations.[29] (2) Medical operations conducted to treat various health issues, often requiring anesthesia.[30] (3) Medical operations requiring the use of various treatment methods, including the application of honey on wounds.[31] (4) The method employed by ancient surgeons for treating cataracts, including techniques detailed in the texts.[32]
From: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine
(1) A medical operation performed to address health issues which can lead to acute post-operative pain, requiring effective management.[33] (2) The various techniques and operations that Ayurveda postgraduate students are required to competently perform as per the notification.[34] (3) A medical operation performed to treat a condition, in this context, related to periodontal therapy.[35] (4) Operations conducted on the albino rats using specific techniques to test the suture materials.[36]
From: Ancient Science of Life
(1) A method of treatment in surgery that may include the application of leeches as part of the healing process.[37] (2) Operations performed to treat medical conditions, which may include excision and other methods to address issues such as pilonidal sinus.[38]
From: Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine
(1) Surgical procedures involve operative interventions as described in Ayurvedic texts for removing or addressing urinary calculi when conservative treatments are insufficient.[39] (2) A medical intervention used to address the presence of kidney stones, generally considered when other treatment methods fail.[40]