Significance of Supreme happiness

Supreme happiness encompasses various interpretations across different philosophical traditions, indicating the highest states of joy achievable through devotion, spirituality, and enlightenment. In Shilpashastra, it is associated with ultimate bliss derived from worship and devotion to God. Vaishnavism describes it as joy stemming from renunciation and deep understanding of spiritual themes. In Yoga, it is linked to contentment, while Buddhism emphasizes selfless acts leading to profound peace. Ultimately, Supreme happiness represents a state of profound fulfillment and joy, transcending ordinary experiences.

Synonyms: Elation, Joy, Ecstasy, Delight, Contentment, Jubilation, Rapture, Fulfillment, Exhilaration, Euphoria

In Dutch: Opperste gelukzaligheid; In German: Höchstes Glück; In Finnish: Ylin onnellisuus; In Spanish: Felicidad suprema

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Supreme happiness'

Hindu concept of 'Supreme happiness'

The concept of Supreme happiness in local and regional sources

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